Bonus 1 | We're not in Kansas Anymore

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Hello, beautiful people! 16th June 2021 marked the first anniversary of SATCK's appearance on Wattpad!!! I still can't believe it's already been a year (just like Peter in this update) and I'm so glad and thankful to everyone reading this.

Your support means more than you think, and seeing you recommend this book, and tell me how much you enjoy it, brings tears into my eyes. Thank you!!

This update came later than expected, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Warning: There is raging, sweet, and somehow on crack smuff after the scene change. Read with discretion.

Peter couldn't understand why anyone would fall asleep in a window seat

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Peter couldn't understand why anyone would fall asleep in a window seat. But then again, the flight was over 8 hours long. And even with his disbelief at the sight next to him, he still skeptical about much bigger things. Like how it had already been a year since he and Colin were officially officially together.

His graduation from UC Berkeley felt like it was weeks ago, instead of the 7 months that had passed. Colin quitting his job at Snapshot seemed almost impossible to imagine, but it had happened. And he was doing better as a freelance photographer. Peter himself was a full-time fashion model now, and it felt unreal how far he'd come.

Dakota's move from California to New York. His and Colin's plans to buy a house. Ivy's engagement to Lei; their reason for the trip, aside from Colin suggesting that this could be a perfect getaway for them too. Things had changed so massively, in such a short time that the events just floated around Peter in a haze, too faint to touch, but just real enough to recount on.

Reflecting on it all, he realized they were living a dream. And it was cemented when he looked to his side again. They were in the sky, weightless, with Colin in the seat next to him, mouth hanging slightly open and drool gathering at the corner of his lips. Peter brushed back strands of his brown hair, and as his fingers touched Colin's skin, he felt the sleeping man snuggle even closer to him.

Lily and Ivy were in the seats in front of them, with Lily replicating Colin's posture on her mother. She had fallen alseep about two hours ago---Peter wasn't really sure how much time had passed---and hadn't panicked on this flight like her initial one when the plane took off from JFK airport.

When he reached for a bottle of water, the movement disturbed Colin's slumber, and brown eyes fluttered open to stare at him a second later.

"Have a good nap?" Peter asked, taking off the cap. Colin didn't answer, but he knew the brunet was watching him as he downed half the bottle.

He offered the remaining water to Colin by tilting the bottle towards his lips, and was surprised when Colin actually drank from it.

"Mm," Colin hummed, and Peter took that as his reply. A while later, he asked, "You were awake the whole time?"

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