2: Too Flashy?

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Peter and the little girl stepped out from the changing room, with him patting down her frilly green dress, as Colin adjusted the shades and moved the equipment into position.

What's up with this bunch? They went in there together? Were the thoughts on Colin's mind as he spyed them from the corner of his eye.

The woman, Ivy, had to purchase something from a store down the block after she had received a phone call. It seemed it was urgent because she handed Colin the money she was to pay---even before the shoot was done---and rushed out of the place, saying she'd be back for them in a while.

Ivy only came because she had to make sure Peter took those photos. He was stubborn, and even though he knew the photos were of great importance, he'd have worn a potato sack if it was up to him.

That was why she had taken precautions and packed his outfit herself; she couldn't afford to risk it.

The Chus were to take five photos in all; two of the little girl, two of Peter and one of them together.

Peter took the girl by the hand and led her to the bright yellow cube that she sat on.

Behind the camera, Colin focused the lens on the girl and clicked the first photo.

All of a sudden, the room was filled with blinding bright lights that went off as soon as they heard the shutter sound. It threw Colin off focus and he covered his eyes with his palm, white dots dancing beneath his eyelids.

Dammit Austin, Colin thought. The number of times Colin had to tell Austin to adjust and dim the lights after any shoot was exhausting. You gotta learn sometime. Twelve times have to be enough to fucking know that the lights go off after a shoot. But you just never learn.

Peter, who had also shielded his eyes from the glare, blinked rapidly after Colin shut them off. He stared at Colin, and the glare on his face was more dangerous and burned brighter than the high-powered lights.

Colin, after he was done changing the settings, noticed that the girl still sat there. She hadn't moved a muscle and hadn't even made an effort to protect her eyes. Again, he found this peculiar.

"Dude, what the fuck? You almost blinded me," Peter said in a rage, teeth clenched. "You'd have blinded my niece! Lucky for her that she can't see a damn thing in the first place else you'd have taken her eyesight away!"

That was the reason. She was blind. It was the most plausible explanation for the feeling up of her hair and walking into the changing room with Peter. He had dressed her. And now, the lack of a reaction to the flash of light.

"Look, man." Colin started trying to calm Peter. "I had no idea that the-"

"I thought you were supposed to be a professional and here you are, about to hand out a handicap on a silver lens."

Colin watched the boy closely through light brown eyes the colour of burnt sienna wood. Peter stared back, even though Colin's piercing gaze made him want to look away.

Colin tried explaining again, even though he had the urge to do more than that. "I didn't know it would---"

"I don't wanna hear your lame explanations. You already annoy the hell out of me when you're quiet. Oh wait, you never are."

That was the last straw for Colin, and he forgot the girl was still in the room.

"Do you have a stick shoved up your ass or something? It's not my fault you got dumped, so don't get all bat shit crazy on me. Bet the cheating wasn't the only thing that drove the girl off," Colin fired. "That attitude you have needs to be dealt with. I didn't know, alright. So shut your trap and take a seat."

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