1: Stay In Your Lane, It's Aisle 9

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"Alright, that's a wrap," Colin said with a smile as he lowered the camera from his face.

Looking down at the screen, he flipped through the photos he had just taken while Austin started to pack up the lighting equipment.

Dakota, the girl who posed on the stool a few moments ago, retrieved her bag from the sofa in the corner of the studio and then disappeared into one of the changing rooms.

She returned, now fully clothed- not in the unbuttoned shirt she had used for the shoot but in a knee-length sundress that showed just the right amount of her long tan legs.

This wasn't the first time Colin had to take photos of girls who were a bra-throw away from being naked, and it wouldn't be the last time either. Some of them actually requested that he be the one to do their shoot. He understood them perfectly.

After all, who would like it if their photographer pitched a tent in his pants while they were in a secluded room? No one. Except, girls in porn scenes that centred around that topic. And maybe, the occasional exhibitionist.

Fortunately for Snapshot Multimedia, they had Colin Mitchell. The resident male who felt no sexual attraction to females and therefore, wouldn't have to hide a boner in the middle of a shoot. When it involved a hot male though, that was a different case.

Which is why Leonard, his boss, never let him near the studio when there was a dude involved. Unless it was a wrinkly old man who wanted a birthday shoot he would send to his kids in Kansas, or something like that. Leo definitely pitched him for those sessions---without any hesitation whatsoever.

Dakota ran a brush through her ruffled hair and proceeded to throw a wink at Colin as she walked out of the studio, small hips swaying with every step.

Wait, she was forgetting something, Colin thought. But he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. It finally dawned on him.

"Don't you want to look at the pictures first?" He asked, rushing after her to the front desk.

"I've seen your work, so I trust they look great. Just email them to me."

She took both his hands in hers and grinned widely at Colin. A second later, Colin felt something press against the inside of his palm.

She was right---about the photos looking great, of course. She made it easy to take perfect pictures with how natural she was at posing, how comfortable she was with her body. She could be a great model.

In fact, Colin was sure the pictures could be for her portfolio, or something of the sort.

Dakota's hand moved to her ruby red lips as she blew him a kiss, lips pursed. Colin pretended to catch it, then pressed his palm flat against his left cheek.

Her laughter rang out as she left the store. With a wave, she turned the corner and moved out of view.

Colin leaned back in the sofa, grateful for the tip he had gotten. It was fifty bucks, just what he needed in addition to his savings so he could buy that skateboard from Amy.

Yes, Amy Mitchell, his own flesh and blood, his only sibling, wanted to sell Colin a skateboard that was given to her as a gift. But it doesn't matter, now that I have enough money, Amy has no reason not to give me the skateboard, he thought.

A glance at his watch told him it was a few minutes past his lunch break. It didn't matter that Dakota's session ate into his time though; she made up for it perfectly.

He picked up the steaming hot mug filled with a fresh batch of coffee and raised it to his lips. The potent scent filled his nostrils as he took a sip. It burned his tongue but the sting was welcome. Today was a good day for Colin, and it was already off to an impressive start.

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