Another member of the circle

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In Ozpins clock tower over looking all of Beacon and Vale two people are looking out the window seeing an Atlas fleet these two are professor Goodwitch and headmaster Ozpin.

Goodwitch: Ironwood sure loves to bring his work with him where ever he travels

Ozpin: well running an academy and a military makes him a busy man but even I can admit it is a bit of a eye sore

Ozpin's desk starts beeping showing that someone is requesting entry into the office.

Ozpin: come in

The lift doors open and out steps the general of Atlas military James Ironwood but some of his friends call him Jimmy.

The lift doors open and out steps the general of Atlas military James Ironwood but some of his friends call him Jimmy

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Ironwood: Ozpin

Ozpin: hello General

Ironwood: please drop the formality's hehe it's been to long and Glinda it has certainly been to long since we last meet

Goodwitch: oh James

She say's this in a tone unlike her and then turns towards Ozpin before speaking in her usual manner.

Goodwitch: I'll be out side

Glinda the proceeds to walk towards the lift and leave the office

Ironwood: well she hasn't changed a bit

Ozpin: so what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas

Ozpin says this as he pours two cups of tea before continuing.

Ozpin: headmasters don't typically travel with there students for the vital festival

Ironwood: well you know how much I love Vale this time of year and with you hosting I thought this would be a good opportunity for us to catch up

Ozpin: while I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends however the small fleet outside my window has me somewhat concerned

Ironwood: well concern is why I'm here

Ozpin: I understand that traveling between kingdoms is becoming increasingly difficult

Ironwood: Oz you and I both know why I brought those men more so now

Ozpin: *sigh* we are in a time of peace shows of power like this is just going to give of the wrong impression

Ironwood: if what Qrow said is true

Ozpin: if what Qrow said is true we will handle it tactfully it's the Vital festival a time to celebrate unity and peace so I suggest you not scare people by not transporting hundreds of people half way across the continent

Ironwood: I'm just being cautious

Ozpin: as am I but there's a thin line between cautious and paranoid remember that and in the time we will continue to train the best huntsmen and huntresses we can

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