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Pyrrha is sitting in the locker rooms whilst preparing herself by adjusting her knee guards and crown around her head before walking out to meet team CRDL in the arena. Once in the arena a horn starts and the the match begins. When the match Pyrrha starts by clashing with Cardin and ends Cardin is on the floor as Pyrrha has her back to him. Pyrrha then attempts to sweep Doves legs witch he jumps over before clashing with Pyrrha witch she wins. Pyrrha is then within the middle of a duo attack of Sky and Russell before she knocks them both back giving her some time to breath before hitting Sky before he got up. Pyrrha then changes her weapon into a spear before engaging Cardin she hit's him then turns around so the shield on her back takes the counter attack before swigging at Cardin's mace forcing him onto the defensive before stopping mid attack and jabbing him in the chest whilst he was recovering form the previous onslaught of attacks. Pyrrha then appeared behind Cardin as he went down to one knee as he then looked around as she then came from above him in witch he rolled left to dodge Pyrrha's attack before she spun her weapon then jumped up to add more power into her strike on him. Pyrrha then threw her spear and it was blocked by Dove's sword as she then swept his leg as her weapon whilst spinning in the air then came back to her. Pyrrha then turned it back into a riffle then shot at Sky who blocked the attack before trying to counter only to be stopped by Pyrrha's shield before her counter could connect it's blocked by Sky then countered with his own small flurry of attacks till she shot him in the stomach knocking him right past Cardin and out his sight.

Y/N: Pyrrha's doing really good

You say this to Jaune as he looks at you and nods.

Jaune: yeah she's been helping me out a bit

He say's a bit embarrassed as you just smile at him before looking back into the fight. As Cardin looked at Pyrrha ready to fight her her Pyrrha surprised Cardin but he blocked with his mace before trying to counter only to be blocked by Pyrrha's shield. Cardin attempted to slam down from a jump with a dust chamber this was dogged by Pyrrha by her jumping to her right and avoid the blow leaving Cardin wide open for a small time which he was quick to recover from. Cardin spins round around and hit's Pyrrha's shield knocking her back a bit as she regains her footing. Sky then jumped up from behind Pyrrha before slashing down in witch Pyrrha dodged by jumping into the air then spinning in the air after Cardin hit her shield with his mace but as Pyrrha hit the floor she swiped Sky's feet from under him before messing with Cardin's footing then jumping up spinning over Cardin's right shoulder to get behind him then throwing her shield which hit him in the back then bouncing of the floor and hitting Sky in the face knocking him down onto the ground. Pyrrha then jumped up grabbing her shield then landing on Sky's stomach as she looked up to see Russel and Dove getting up before charging at her as she did the same to them as Pyrrha got in close she body slammed Russel sending him flying back before getting into a contest with Dove involving a range of counters before using her agility to avoid a strike before kicking him away from her as he was in the air he recomposed himself and landed feet first as Cardin then rushed in ready to engage. Cardin jumped up and tried to slam down again within this fight but like before it was dogged by her jumping backwards whilst changing her weapon back to a rife shooting at Cardin as Russel jumped in the way using his daggers to block the shots. Russel then ran to Pyrrha before jumping and spinning clockwise to try and gain momentum before aiming a kick at her witch she blocked with her shield as Dove tries to flank her with Russel on her left they both then engaged causing Pyrrha to be on the defensive as Cardin went for a wild swing which Pyrrha dogged by rolling under it before turning around and shouting at Cardin who blocks the shots with his mace before jumping at Pyrrha as she jumped back and kneed him in the face as Cardin then spun his mace around hitting Pyrrha's shield then blocking Pyrrha's counter attack before trying again only to be kicked in the chest. Cardin goes for another attempt only to be blocked by Pyrrha's shield before her advancing trying to strike Cardin as he blocks her attacks before she hits his sides twice as he then goes to attack only to be countered which doesn't last long as Pyrrha picks apart Cardin's defense. Russel the got up and ran at Pyrrha whilst sporadically waving his daggers indiscriminately making them more dangerous as Pyrrha takes a step back swing her spear around her neck before throwing her shield at him then grabbing her spear back before slashing at Russel knocking him into the ground as Dove appears behind her and then having to block a jab by Pyrrha as he was a bit dazed he activates the gun of his sword and fires only to be blocked by Pyrrha's shield as she rushed at him as she attacked him as Dove jumped up and rolled midair to get out the way of Pyrrha's attack as Cardin got up next him. Cardin swung his mace back knocking Dove out as he then charged at Pyrrha before attempting to dust smash her into the ground as a wave of destruction rose from the ground but Pyrrha dogged the attack before launching a frenzy attack on Cardin in the air witch ended with Cardin's body slamming face first into the ground with his aura detreating.

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