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You wake up with Zwei licking your face before sitting up as he moves and starts licking Yang, Blake and Weiss up confusing you.

Yang: what's wrong boy

Zwei only bites Yang's trouser leg trying to get her to follow him.

Yang: *this has happened before* wait did Ruby fall down a well

Zwei let's go before barking and wagging his tail rapidly saying the was the case and somehow Oobleck was already awake.

Oobleck: alright everyone your team leader might be in trouble so let's get going

You all quickly picked up all of your stuff and started following Zwei till you came across Crescent rose and a whole.

Yang: oh Ruby really did fall down a well

You all look at Yang with confused expressions about it and wanting an expansion.

Yang: I'll tell you all latter alright because right now Ruby's in trouble

Oobleck realizes about there being an underground city and that's probebly where the White Fang are hiding.

Oobleck: now all we need is a way to get down there without drawing attention to ourselves

You look over and see what seams to be stairs.

Y/N: what about the stairs 

 Everyone looked to where you were pointing only to see stairs with an arrow pointing down.

Weiss: that works 

You pick up Ruby's weapon before entering the stair case. Everyone headed into the stairs before seeing two white fang members witch Blake and Weiss quietly take down. You find a wall and hear what sounds to be Ruby being thrown around. 

Oobleck: alright everyone it sounds like your leader is right behind this wall now who would be so kind as to -

Yang then punches the wall cutting of Oobleck causing him to shrug.

Oobleck: that works as well

The wall crumbles as you all see Roman and Ruby along with a large amount of white fang around the place.

Y/N: well this is awkward 

After a second of everyone looking at each other all hell breaks lose as the white fang there started shouting at you as you also engaged them. You throw Ruby's weapon to her but it get's shot out of the sky by Roman causing you to glare at him. You were about to use your ice to stop everyone there but something intresting. One of the white fang members chucks up Ruby's weapon confusing everyone but Ruby who took the chance to use her semblance to grab her weapon. 

Roman: Perry what the absolute and mind my language fuck is wrong with you

Perry who is a platypus fauns answered him.

Perry: I don't know I was board

Everyone looks at him weirdly before he grinds his teeth and walks off.

Roman: well uh 

He then shots a flare out of his cane whilst getting on to a train.

Ruby: there planning on driving that train into the city 

Dr. Oobleck: that's impossible it's all covered from the cave in years ago

Roman now on the train peaks his head out of the window with a victorious smirk on his face.


Dr. Oobleck: ah of course these tunnels go straight to Vale, so that's why there really doing this                  alright everyone let's get on this train 

You all rush towards the train getting onto the roof of it causing you all to take a breath witch stops when you all hear a faint.




Blake finds where the source is roughly before oping it up to reveal a bomb.

Blake: we've got a major problem

Everyone looks over her shoulders to see the bomb. 

Y/N: this mission could have gone better 

Yang: you think?

Dr. Oobleck: no time for arguing everyone onto the next cart Blake would 

You cover the bomb in a layer of ice before everyone rush's to the next cart. Blake goes to cut the coupling between the two cars only for it to naturally come undone.

Blake: it just came undone

After a few seconds the bomb on the car explodes overpowering your ice whilst causing a cave in where the bomb detonated. A large amount of Grim enter the tunnel where you all were as you put up an ice wall to block them but you hear something that chilled you to the bones.

Blake: all of the car's have bombs on

Dr. Oobleck: alright miss Rose your the team leader for this mission what are we going to do

Y/N: *really leaving it to Ruby whilst your a trained huntsman compared to still in training first year huntresses!*

Ruby: uh ah  wa hu

DR. Oobleck: alright ok miss Rose take a breath and think then decide what to do

Ruby nods and takes a breath closing her eyes before they snap open.

Ruby: Yang, Weiss and Blake get into the carts and find a way to stop the train before we get into Vale, Y/N freeze the diffrent carts and create ice walls to stop the grim from getting close, Dr. Oobleck we're going over the top and dealing with the defensives to see if we can stop this train

Everyone nods before doing there job.

Y/N: *ok maybe I can use the maidens ability's to stop draining my aura but*

You look behind you to see Ruby fighting against some robots.

Y/N: *I don't know if anyone is watching threw those robots eyes*

After all but the last cart came off we all stood on the roof.

Blake: Roman's knocked out but the breaks are gone

Y/N: the grim following us are still coming but with less numbers 

Dr. Oobleck: well as far as I'm concerned not a bad first mission now we need to brace ourselves were about to enter Vale

He takes a drink out of his thermos that was also his weapon intresting. Weiss loads ice dust into her weapon before stabbing the ground with it as you use you ice to increase the ice's thickness to be more protected. The train crashes into a wall going straight threw it into a busy street full of people as they rush for cover as the ice shield that you all were using breaks all is quite with only the train there before the ground around it breaks and get's pushed away as grim enter the city.

Yang: well let's go to work

Ruby: yeah

You all got your weapons ready for a fight with diffrent looks on your faces, Ruby's with childlike happiness, Weiss and yours's with small smiles on your faces, Blake has a Cheshire cat like smile, Yang has one of pure excitement as Dr. Oobleck is just drinking wondering how much of a pay cut he's going to have.

A/N: I've had writers block with this chapter but the next one should be the last of season two please don't hate me for not updating and thank you all for being patient again I'm sorry

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