mission follow up

624 17 2

You and your team are inside a run down building as night approaches building.

Dr. Obbleck: alright girls let's set up camp and continue our investigation tomorrow right now I need to have a chat with your leader so get a fire going in the mean time

He then leads Ruby up out of the building onto the roof as your team looks at you.

Yang: you going to light it or

You sigh knowing that they would want you to light it as you have the ability to produce fire but you do it anyway. Everyone else gathers round the fire as you sit next to Blake.

Yang: I can't believe we didn't find anything

Blake: we've always been fortunate to be in the right place at the right time I guess we can't always have luck on our side

Y/N: it makes sense since none of us has a luck based semblance 

Weiss: do those even exist 

Y/N: possibly

Weiss then takes a breath before changing the topic of the conversation.

Weiss: that's not what I meant 

The three of you all look at Weiss.

Blake / Y/N / Yang: hu

Weiss: earlier about up holding a legacy there is more to it than that 

Yang: yeah I me to I mean I don't know 

Blake: I mean I'm here I know what I want to do but figured I'd always take things one step at a time 

Yang: well it doesn't matter

Y/N: yeah we all have diffrent goals but at the same time the same one to stop monsters in whatever shape they come in right?

After that Dr. Obbleck comes rushing in out of nowhere causing you to fall back supprised at his sudden appearance as Weiss, Blake and Yang don't react.

Dr. Obbleck: ah wonderful a text book camp fire 

Ruby then comes in with Zwei next to her.

Ruby: oh fire 

Ruby then goes up to it and start to warm herself up with it.

Ruby: it's so warm

Dr. Obbleck: very good now eat your dinners and hurry to bed we have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we need you to take turns to keep watch over our temporary abode now who will take first watch

Y/N: I will I don't sleep much anyway

Dr. Obbleck: that's not healthy but after you watch has finished promise me to get some sleep and when we get back to Beacon I can get something to help you get to sleep should it still be a problem

You just nod as you go over to where the wall used to be and look out to see the emptily street. Whilst you were walking away you heard Yang talking to Ruby.

Yang: hey did Dr. Obbleck ask you why you wanted to become a huntress 

Ruby then looks at her for a few seconds.

Ruby: no hu anyway goodnight

Ruby then lies down in her sleeping bag and falls asleep quickly. You sit down by the window looking out with a small smile it's peaceful and although your quite some distance from the fire your warm so it doesn't bother you. After a while Zwei joins you and you play with him for a bit smiling about it. 

Y/N: it's alright boy nothing can ruin this

After about thirty minutes you sigh looking out as your eyes slowly start to drop as your time awake catches up with you causing you to sleep regardless of what you want and Zwei's licks. After you went to sleep Zwei went to lick Ruby to wake her up causing her to wake up and move towards the watch location to see you not in a sleeping position so she assumed you passed out.

Ruby: oh Y/N you really need to start sleeping without Blake it hurts to see you like this

Ruby then picks you up and put's you next to Blake and smiles softly as you both reach out to grab each other.

Ruby: sleep well Y/N 

Ruby then takes watch duty with Zwei before he rushes off causing Ruby to follow him to look after him. Zwei goes through the desolate terrain with not a soul or grim in sight all to go to the toilet on a lamppost quit some distance from where camp was set up causing Ruby to sigh.

Ruby: Zwei we are literally in a wasteland you could have done that anywhere but you chose here of all places

Suddenly two diffrent voices Peirce the surrounding area causing Ruby to take cover behind some old ruble to stop herself from being seen.

???: hay why is all the dust being gathered here it's a bit strange right 

The other person just sighs clearly feed up of this person.

???2: for the last time Adrut say that again and I will punch you it's because of the plan that Adam has to rid Vale of all those humans and Human loving Fauns

Adrut: but what's so bad about a human and Fauns getting along Zeki

Zeki: it's because that means that you have betrayed our kind and that is a crime punishable by death

Adrut: I'm not sure that's right 

Zeki: doesn't matter all that matters is that the Fauns are the supreme rulers of the world anyway the boss is waiting for us inside

Ruby looks at the now finished Zwei with wide eyes.

Ruby: you knew they were here didn't you

Zwei just nods not trusting his bark to not attract ant unwanted attention.

Ruby: wow 

Ruby rubs Zwei's back as he nuzzles into it. Before Ruby can get to far with Zwei the ground underneath her cracks causing Zwei to back up as she looks at it cluelessly before it crumbled underneath her weight causing her to drop her scythe next to Zwei who didn't fall with her. Zwei looks down at the hole ruby just went down and tilts his head before moving away back towards the rest of the team.

abused female Schnee reader x Blake Belladonna (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now