Chapter 12: Goodbye

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Peeta picked up the phone and is about to freak out. Because Victoria woke up from a coma.

Peeta: Holy, is that true? Did she wake up?!

Doctor James: Yes, that's true. She woke up. But you have to wait a lil bit.

The Untouchables went to the Hospital and waited in the intensive station in front of Victoria's room

Peeta: I get so impatient, I want to see her

Marijetta: Peeta, just relax. She woke up and the doctors need to check if she is ok.

Doctor James: So my dear, Victoria is awake and you can see her.

Peeta: YES, finally!!

The Untouchables went into the Vicky's room.

Peeta: OMG, Hi Vicky, Darling, are you okay?

Victoria: Hi friends, oh gosh Peeta pls don't call me Darling, Aaron broke my Heart yesterday.

Logan and Marijetta at the same time: Oh shit...

Victoria: Uhm... Guys? What's going on? Is something wrong?

Marijetta: Yeah, Aaron is gone, not dead but he went with Martildia a month ago. You was about a month in the coma. We were so worried about your conditions in the coma. We didn't know if you'll wake up or not. But we are so fucking happy that you woke up. Thanks God.

Victoria: Dude, I thought I was sleeping for a night. But okay, thank you for telling me. The most important thing is Aaron is gone. I don't wanna see him.

Louna: Yeah, that son of a b*tch! He betrayed us. We thought he's a good one but no he's a heartbreaker and betra...

Marijetta: ENOUGH NOW, Vicky is awake and she needs time to forget him.

Logan: Guys, we have something to tell her.

*Suddenly, someone came into the room*

Aaron: Hi Vicky, I want...

Victoria: What the fuck are you doing here? Get the fuck out of here, I don't wanna see you again. You broke my heart. I was in love with you since I saw you! So pls go away!!!

Aaron: But...

Marijetta: No buts, so go away just like she said. Goodbye.

*Aaron left the room and the doctor James came in*

Doctor James: Hi Victoria, everything okay? Your pulse is too high, you have to calm down!

Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry, Dr. James, A heartbreaker came into the room but I sent him away.

Doctor James: Oh, no Problem, I got that. I have some good news for you Victoria. You can go home tomorrow if the blood values are good.

Victoria: Thanks, Doctor James. That means a lot for me that I can go home tomorrow. Thank you for everything.


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