9 - Tickles & Cub Bites

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"Wait, what?" you ask in confusion as your feet unconsciously take you along with the tiger hybrid eagerly dragging you towards the edge of the creek.

"Tae, that's not fair! If you get Y/N on your team, then we're back to playing two against one. The point of Y/N joining us is so that we can play two against two," Jungkook whines as he jogs to catch up to the two of you.

"Well, too bad," Taehyung smiles smugly. "Plus, you have too much muscle for your own good."

"Wait, guys. I'm not wearing the appropriate clothing to chicken fight," you try to stop them.

When the three of you reach the edge of the creek where the water is eagerly lapping against the rocks on the shoreline, the two hybrids turn to look down at your attire. Their ears are flicking every so slightly and their tails are swaying slowly behind them - almost as if those body parts are trying to speak their thoughts. A small part of you wants to squirm under their sudden burning gazes, but you try your best to hold still to look calm and collected.

"Don't worry, angel," the tiger chirps in a carefree tone. "I'll make sure you won't get splashed by a drop of water."

"How am I supposed to even chicken fight by myself?" Jungkook continues to pout.

"I'll play with you, Kookie," a new voice announces as they approach the three of you.

"Hobi? You want to chicken fight with us?" the youngest asks hopefully with a slight hint of skepticism in his tone.

"Yeah, why not? The talk back there is getting a bit too heavy for my liking," the red panda hybrid shrugs sheepishly.

When you glance behind the older male's shoulders, you notice that Seokjin, Yoongi, and Namjoon are huddled together around Jimin in a deep conversion. By the looks of it, Jimin looks as if he's the topic of the talk because his head is hanging low and his ears are flickering every now and then in an apprehensive manner.

Within the short amount of time you've known this pack, you have already come to conclude that Hoseok, despite being one of the older hybrids, tends to be rather slack when it comes to holding authority over his younger pack mates. It's not like he lacks the power altogether - but rather, he chooses not to exercise that power unless absolutely necessary.

"We'd love for you to join us, Hoseok," you smile happily, causing him to beam back at you with a heart-shaped smile.

"Okay, so then it's settled! Y/N and me against Seok and Kook," Taehyung announces eagerly just as he begins to toe off his shoes. You follow suit with the tiger hybrid's actions and neatly place your shoes next to his.

"Now, hold on a minute," the black panther hybrid huffs while carelessly kicking his shoes off. "Who decided that you would get Y/N on your team? Why am I stuck with Hoseok?"

"Rude," the red panda hybrid scoffs with a look of distaste on his face.

"I decided that because I'm older than you," Taehyung refutes rather childishly despite his statement. "C'mon Y/N, let's go."

Before you get a chance to respond to the tiger hybrid or to console Jungkook, you're being dragged hastily into the shallow edge of the creek. You shudder slightly at the sudden cool water running against your skin, but you immediately adapt to the temperature the longer you stand in.

Taehyung has a good grasp on your hand, guiding you through the water slowly, to ensure you don't slip on the rocks below you. As the two of you make it farther in towards the center of the creek, the water begins to rise higher and higher on your thigh. When the two of you stop, the clear water is running at about mid-thigh level, on the verge of touching the ends of your shorts.

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