37 - New Routines

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"Thank you for the meal, Y/N." Seokjin smiles at you sweetly as everyone gradually finishes their lunch.

"It was delicious," Jimin adds with an appreciative hum from his seat next to you.

"No need to thank me," you shake your head gently before taking the chance to glance at everyone. Your gaze does not go unnoticed by the pack and the older members visibly gulp as the silence prolongs. "So, when is someone going to tell me about the files Director Sim gave Soobin this morning? I was told I would be given an explanation during lunch."

Jimin turns to you, clearly puzzled, and the two younger cubs also have similar expressions of confusion resting on their features. Hoseok looks partially torn but not guilty enough to have been a part of the decision-making process. The other three pack members, however, are sitting in their seats with permanent grimaces resting on their faces.

"Before you get mad, please hear us out," Seokjin mumbles warily, casting a doubtful glance at you, almost looking like a puppy that knows it's about to be scolded.

"Okay, fair enough. I don't know the full extent of the story so I will save my reaction until you have told your part," you nod, motioning for him, Yoongi, and Namjoon to continue.

"Alright, so I'm sure you already figured out that Director Sim gave Soobin some files for potential individuals to hire as your new secretary," the pack leader begins.

"There were a lot, by the way. Looks like everyone wants to be the new CEO's secretary," Yoongi adds.

"I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing," you murmur with your eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"I'm sure it's because people love you, sunshine. Nothing to worry about," Hoseok assures you.

"Well, you see," Yoongi continues. "That kind of connects to why we went ahead and looked through the files ourselves to conduct a 'preliminary elimination', as Soobin called it."

"We just want to ensure that whoever ends up working as your secretary has good intentions and will take care of you well since we can't be at the office with you," Namjoon concludes.

"Unless Y/N brings us to work every day!" Jungkook interjects quickly, perking up with interest at the prospective thought.

"She will be far too busy as CEO to also juggle cub daycare on the side, Kook," Seokjin rolls his eyes.

"C-cub daycare?" the younger male stutters, his tone aghast. "I will have you know that I am older than Y/N!"

"Pulling the age card isn't going to do anything when you don't act like it," Jimin snorts, earning a quick glare from the panther hybrid in question.

"Don't berate the little cub like that, Jimine," Taehyung gasps, quickly reaching over to Jungkook, who is conveniently sitting next to the tiger hybrid, to give him some reassuring pats on his shoulder.

"Alright, cub daycare considerations aside." Namjoon clears his throat to steer the conversation back on track.

"Even if we do get the chance to visit you at the office, we know it'll be a luxury to do so given your busy schedule, which means it won't be a daily routine," Yoongi continues.

"Therefore, it would give us peace of mind if we know you're going to be in good hands," the pack leader concludes.

Everyone turns to look at you with apprehensive expressions as they wait for your reaction. And to be quite honest, you could never be mad at the pack, especially when they have such good intentions so it takes everything in you to school your features for a few more seconds just so you can cherish their cut yet hilarious expressions.

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