34 - Attention, Please!

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The lights in the hallway are a little too bright for your liking, your heels are clicking against the concrete flooring too loudly, and your heart feels like it's about to beat right out of your chest. Yet, you can't stop the giddy smile that rests on your lips when you glance down at your hand that's intertwined with Namjoon's. His long slender fingers are tangled together with yours and every now and then, the pack leader gives your hand a slight squeeze as a silent reassurance - he's here with you, for you, and he always will be.

You should be nervous. Everything in your body doesn't feel right. But for some odd reason, you feel serene. No matter what happens by the end of the night, you've decided to accept your fate with open arms.

"Do you know where Director Sim is at the moment?" Namjoon asks, one of his softy ivory ears perking up as if he's trying to listen for the director.

"I'm not sure." You purse your lips in thought. "But he should be nearby; he said he'll be in one of the smaller meeting rooms."

"I think he's in this direction," the pack leader hums as he pulls you along. A soft giggle escapes from your lips when he sneakily wraps his tail around your waist.

"You're so touchy today," you note as you glance down, your vacant hand itching to touch the soft appendage.

"Is that a bad thing?" Namjoon tests with a quirked eyebrow.

"No, it's not bad at all," you shake your head quickly. "I quite like it."

"Is that so?" he hums, saving the new information in his mind for future purposes.

The older male tenses for a moment when he feels your hand mere centimeters away from his tail. His fur puffs up in alert, and for a second, you assume he's going to unwrap you from his grasp. But to your surprise, Namjoon only wraps his tail around your waist a little tighter.

"Be careful, Y/N," he warns. "You're playing a dangerous game right now."

"How exciting," you giggle before allowing a single finger to graze along the tip. The moment passes just as quickly as it started but the pack leader stands frozen rigidly, with his jaw slack, for a few seconds afterward. "Oh, I think I hear Director Sim."

You quickly maneuver out of Namjoon's hold and saunter over towards one of the nearby closed doors. When you press your ear against the cold wood you hear faint murmurs of someone talking on the other side.

"Director Sim?" you call out while bringing up a fist to knock. When you push the door open and step into the room, you smile when you find the older man looking back at you.

"Jaeyun-ah, I have to go, alright?" the director says into his phone as he beckons you in with one hand. "Yes, it's time for the press conference."

"Who's Jaeyun?" Namjoon whispers into your ear, nearly scaring you out of your skin. You hadn't even heard him approach from behind and now with one of his hands pressed against your lower back, your heart has more than enough reasons to beat wildly in your ribcage.

"Alright, I love you too. Come visit soon, okay? I miss you."

"Was that your grandson?" you ask when the older man slips his phone back into his pocket after ending his call.

"Yes," he nods with a small smile, a distant look twinkling sadly in his eyes. "It's been a while since I last saw him, but he's such a sweet kid. He makes sure to call me at least once a month just to check-in."

"The kid has a good heart," Namjoon smiles gently.

"Indeed," Director Sim nods. "Although I should probably stop calling him a kid now. He's all grown up, but I'll always remember him as the small baby I held in my arms the first time I met him. He's actually only a year younger than you, Y/N."

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