22 - Binnie, Junie, & Beomie

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"Hello? This is Choi Soobin speaking," the young lawyer says as he answers the call from his end of the line.

"Hi, Mr. Choi," you giggle teasingly and Seokjin, who is currently sitting across from you, quirks a slightly amused eyebrow.

"Y/N?" It takes a moment for Soobin to recognize your voice, but when he finally does, the realization and surprise are clear in his tone.

"Yeah, it's me," you nod subconsciously.

"I didn't recognize this number so I was rather confused for a second there," he murmurs softly and you can already imagine the slight pout and creased eyebrows resting on his face.

"Sorry, I had to call from the landline at the pack's temporary house for safety precautions," you explain briefly. Your gaze flickers over to the older hybrids sitting at the dining table with you and you smile when Hoseok beams at you the moment you make eye contact with him.

"Why? Is everything alright?" the lawyer asks worriedly.

"Actually, I was calling to ask you for a favor," you sigh. 

You were meant to go out shopping with the pack earlier this morning, just as you had promised them, so they can finally look for furniture to decorate their new house with. However, you had quickly realized that with your mom's people following you around town, leaving this house with the entire pack to go furniture shopping is far from being a wise idea. Instead, the eight of you spent the morning shopping online and looking for inspiration from various sites. 

"Is the pack alright? Do you need me to take them in? I'm sure I can think of something. I'm sure Beomie wouldn't mind if we have to share our home for a little while. And of course, Junie would be over the moon to find out there will be more hybrids under our roof," Soobin begins to ramble.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Namjoon's ears perk at the familiar-sounding nickname. You quietly mouth the word 'roommate' to remind the pack leader that Soobin has a roommate named Yeonjun.

"Slow down there, Soobin," you chuckle. "The pack is safe and well. No one is in danger - at least not yet."

"Oh, that's somewhat relieving to hear. Although I don't like that you implied there might be impending danger," the lawyer sighs in relief. "What do you need me to do?"

"Well, do you remember the prediction you made when I told you about my mom's surprise office visit?" you begin, drawing your memory back to the day you had called Soobin in a panic.

"Yes, and I still stand by it," he responds within a heartbeat. "Wait a minute don't tell me-"

"You were right," you confirm. "She's been following me around for a while."

"How long?" Soobin asks and you can practically hear the frown in his voice.

"Well, I can't be certain when it started. But I first noticed when she sent her secretary over to the pack's house," you purse your lips, deep in thought.

"Wait a minute, she what?" the lawyer gasps rather loudly - but rightfully so - out of pure shock.

"Boys? Do you want to explain? You were the ones here so you might explain it better than me," you motion to the four men sitting around you. Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok blink at you blankly before looking around at each other as if they're silently deciding who will speak up on the pack's behalf. You're almost certain that person would have been Namjoon since he's the pack leader.

Yet, when the hesitant silence continues to drag out longer, you're tempted to just shove your phone into the nearest hybrid's hands to make them talk. Because at the moment, the four older hybrids look like a group of high school students awkwardly staring at each other because none of them want to start the group presentation.

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