Prologue: A Special Little Boy

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London, England, 3/20/2000.

Regan O'Conner is pacing in the waiting room inside the Flowerhill Hospital. Hearing the roaring sound of thunder, he stopped walking to look outside through the window. The sky was as dark, and the rain is so heavy along with his worries. He patiently wondered if his wife is alright with the operation giving birth to their first child. Regan took a seat on the chair, panicking up a storm; thoughts ran in his mind of the worst-case scenarios.

"My love, Iris Gemblossom, I hope you and our baby are in perfect health," Regan whispers in an Irish accent.

"Please, God, let them be okay," Regan adds.

"Mr. O'Conner," A doctor announces with an English accent.

"Yes, Dr. Zander, what is it?" Regan asks.

"Congratulation, you're now a proud father," Dr. Zander adds.

"Do you want to see them?" he asks.

Nodding his head, Regan would love to see them. Leading to her room, Dr. Zander opens the door, and he sees his wife holding a beautiful baby in her arms. Walking inside the room, he was delighted to see them both. Looking at the child close, they hear the cute noises.

"I'll leave you alone for a while; congrats on you both, and please get some rest Mrs. O'Conner," Zander whispers.

Once Dr. Zander left the room, Regan got a closer look at the baby. He sees brown hair, and when the baby's eyes open, they're green as emerald, but Regan notices that their baby's ears are small pointed, just like Iris' ears.

"She has your ears," Regan says.

Iris was suddenly laughing when she heard "she." Regan is confused about what happened.

Seeing her trying to speak, but she looks so weak from giving birth to their baby.

"Honey, it's not she. It is he; this is our son," Iris announces with an American accent.

"Meet Drago Firejewel," Iris adds.

He is stunned to hear that he has a son, overjoyed with happiness. He gently places his head on his son's forehead, whispering to him.

"Drago, it's nice to meet you. You look just like your mother with her ears," Regan says.

Drago made cute baby noises; as he smiles, Regan thinks he was replying to his father.

"But why is his name Drago?" Regan adds.

Iris cresses Drago with loving care, looking back at her husband.

"He has a birthmark on his shoulder that looks like a dragon surrounded by petals, and his ears show that he's a fairy just like me," Iris answers.

"I see. I don't care if our son a fairy or not; he is our son, and we did great bring him into this world," Regan replies.

Looking back at Iris, he could see that she isn't feeling okay. Feeling a sharp pain in her chest, Iris knows that her life is fading away. She needs to find the straight and do something special for her son.

"I must hurry. I'm running out of time," Iris announces.

Iris lifts her right hand and places her fingers together; the magic starts once she opens her hands. A sparkling Purple crystal wand appears. The wand is 10'' long with an Iris flower near the handle, and lastly, gold vines wrapping around the handle of the wand.

"Iris, what are you doing?" Regan asks.

"You know the story, and a fairy comes to give a newborn baby a gift. Since he is my son, I want to make this count before it's too late," Iris answers.

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