Chapter 23: Tales of the Rainbowix

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Returning to The Dragon café, Drago and Alex magically appear in front of the café. Suddenly, Drago hears music from inside once they enter. Drago sees a live performance; Justin plays with a violin, and his wife, Elune, singing.

"If I break the cage, then I'll have to fly. There's no one to catch me if I take a flight. I'm scared of changing, and the days stay the same. The world is spinning but only in red.

If I break the cage, then I'll have to fly. There's no one to catch me if I take a flight. I'm scared of changing, and the days stay the same. The world is spinning but only in red. (Only)"

Seeing Justin playing the violin is fantastic and seeing Elune singing is just beyond words. Just then, they're performing the finale.

"[Violin Drop]

Somebody ignites a light. I'm burnt by the fear in me. Somebody makes me rekindle the fire. And set me free.

So, clip me from the wing Dizzy, spinning endlessly. Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me [Violin Drop] Free...! Set me free! Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me free!"

Hearing the audience applauding, Drago also applauded because they were fantastic to watch for the first time. Just as everyone is leaving for the remaining day, Alex and Drago see Elijah and Tulip cleaning up, and Justin puts away his violin.

"Justin, I can't believe that you played the violin?" Drago asks.

"Yes, I've learned at a young age," Justin answers. "It's still my ultimate goal."

"Justin, I need to ask, did you know about Drago struggling with his magic?" Alex asks.

"Yes, I did, the reason why I see myself within him," Justin replies. "I had some struggle with my fairy magic also since I'm also the host for the Phoenix's Queen."

Drago was excited to hear that both Alex and Justin were just like him when they were young.

"How did you two were able to handle your magic?" Drago asks.

They look at each other and smiled.

"It's like I just said. We had a friend to help us grow stronger," Alex answers.

"And we also have our loved ones too, and they help us find our center," Justin adds.

Drago starts turning red around his face and looks down away from them. Alex is wondering why he is looking down.

"Drago, are you okay?" Alex asks.

"He is embarrassed because Nikthorn kissed him," Justin answers.

Drago is turning even redder when Justin answered Alex's question.

"Maybe, he needs a break," Alex says. "Drago, I want you to come home with me."

"Okay, may I ask why?" Drago asks.

"Just take my hand, and I'll show you," Alex answers. "Justin, can I ask you to watch out for Elijah again."

Justin nods.

"Yeah, I can."

As Drago took Alex's hand and starred surrounded them, they suddenly disappeared into thin air again.

"I wonder where they went?" Elijah asks.

Once the lights are over, Drago can see again. He opens his eyes, noticing this fantastic mansion right in front of him.

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