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“So, What happened inside? Do you know him?” He asked sparing me a quick glance before turning back towards the road.

I turned away from him and looked outside the window at the city passing by us. He wanted to know who Luke was. He wanted to know about him. Can I tell him? My hand instinctively wrapped around my middle. I haven’t mentioned him in front of Lee. He was someone I wanted to forget about. He was a nightmare that I have woken up from. Javier waited patiently for me to answer and I sat quietly hoping that somehow I will be saved from answering. The car stopped all of a sudden and I looked around it wasn’t the familiar roads to my house. It looked a quiet and lonely street.

“Are you planning on murdering me here?” I ask as he climbed out of the car. I saw his lips twitch upwards as he walked towards my side of the car. I was contemplating whether to get down or not, when he opened my door for me and offered me his hand.

Now if it were any other circumstances I wouldn’t have accepted his hand but this was a dream come true moment for me. I have fantasized about such a moment in my teen years.

Me sitting inside a luxurious car as a chivalrous and handsome gentle man offers me his hand. I accept the hand, then first comes out one of my high heeled sexy leg , followed by the other one. Then I place my manicured hand over the door as I climb out of the car. Only difference is that in my dreams the car belong to me and the man was my boyfriend.

I blushed as he pulled me out making me stumble and I had to place my hand on his chest to steady myself. I shouldn’t have had that much to drink. My drinks weren’t strong one but I felt a little out of balance now. I looked down at my feet and took a step back only to have my back hit the car. My face warmed more. 

Javier took a step towards me until he was close enough for me to feel his body heat. It was like I was in a trance. I couldn’t look away from his hypnotizing chocolatey eyes. He looked amused at my embarrassment.

He looked handsome in the shadow of the street light flickering in some distance. I now realized he had taken off his blazer and was now standing with a white shirt on. The first two buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up. The sight of his muscled arms made me gulp nervously. He looked mouthwateringly hot. I wish he wasn’t married. How could I forget he had a son out there. I had never seen his wife but she had to be there somewhere. Ry couldn’t be born without a mother involved. Besides I had sworn off men.

I cleared my throat to break the moment. I slide sideways and took a few steps away to get a little distance between the two of us. 

His eyes gleamed in the light. He shoved his hands in his pockets and came to stand near me.

“Where are we?” I asked as I looked around. There was a playground in front of me. I looked back to see a café behind me. A smile grazed my lips as I remembered this place.

“I sometimes come here to clear my head.” Javier said as we walked towards the ground. “Look at that tree.” He said pointing towards a tree. It was a huge sycamore tree that stood in front of the middle of the ground with a table underneath it. I turned to look at Javier to see him looking blissfully at the tree as if it brought back some precious memory back to him.

“It is special for you, isn’t it?” I asked. I couldn’t control the smile spreading on my face on looking at him. This was the first time he looked so happy. Usually, he was only happy with Ry but right now he looked genuinely happy. And with me.

“I planted that when I was six year old.” He said and looked wide eyed between the tree and him. “This place used to empty land those days. I came here with dad and planted this along with him. By the time I turned fourteen, they decided to build this park here. We weren’t rich or influential back then. It took a while but I managed to beg and get them to stop from cutting down this tree. That was the first time I did something on my own. This tree marks the beginning of everything for me.” He told me as he placed his hand my back leisurely , sending shivers along my spine. But he didn’t seem to be aware of his affect on me. I let him lead me to the bench and sat down next to him. Leaving a few inches in between us. He was my boss afterall.

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