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Elise's POV

I buried my face under the duvet and pressed a pillow to my ears for extra measure but it was of no use.

The phone kept on my nightstand kept ringing loudly. I tried to ignore that little annoying device but answered it right before it got disconnected in fear of some emergency. Thankfully it wasn't Elliot's number liked I had worried. On the other hand seeing the unknown number made me angry.

I answered the phone ready to lash out at whoever it was.

"Am I speaking to Ms. Elise Rivers?" A female voice asked from the other end of the call. It was an unknown voice and therefore I kept my voice my tone in check.

"Yes, who are you?" I asked. I was afraid for it being someone like a doctor or nurse.

"Officer Iverson from LAPD." Police?? Did I not submit my income tax in time? Wait, I just started working so its not that. I don't recall breaking any signals or driving rashly. Definitely not that. Also, I don't think I have stolen anything recently. Never I have stolen ever.


Oh my god!!!!!!

I gave that pie to my neighbours dog few years ago and he died afterwards. Is it about that? Do they think I poisoned him?

"I didn't do anything." I blurted out quickly. I can't go to jail. I don't like bunking. And I need something to cuddle to. I can't sleep without cuddling. They don't even have nice showers there. And clothes. I can't wear those ugly uniforms.

"I hope that is true. However I have called you regarding Mr. Caden Trevino. Are you familiar with the name?" She asked me and I wondered was 'she' familiar with the name. How can someone not know him. Okay, maybe I know him because I work for his cousin. They both know how to stay away from media pretty well. Their business are well known but they aren't.

"Yes. I work for his…. Um family." I said since I received a call from police regarding a man who had rarely spoken more than two sentences to me.

"Can you come and bail him?" She asked and I heard the exhaustion in her voice.

Girl, I am exhausted too. You destroyed my sleep for that man. Which brings me to wonder what was the Caden Trevino doing in a police station at this hour. He had people to do his dirty laundry so why was he in there without making any news.

I pulled on a sweat pant leaving the huge t shirt I was wearing and rushed out with my keys. In my way, I also checked for any news regarding him but there was nothing about his except that he owns hotels and clubs and is crazy rich. It took me half an hour to get there. In curiosity I even went over the limit once or twice. But since the road was empty it was of no huge significance. I was dying to know what he did and why I got the call.

"This is how you show your gratitude." A very familiar cold voice said. It was surprising to find it familiar given the few times I have heard it.

"It isn't my fault you are here." An annoyed voice yelled.

I took in the sight in front of me. Caden was sitting in a chair with his hand cuffed to it. In front of him a lady was sitting pulling her black hair. She looked very tired and had dark circles under her eyes. Her face lacked any makeup but she was pretty nonetheless.

"Oh Trust me love it is." He said throwing his legs over the table. I felt bad for the poor officer.

"Mr. Trevino , Please do shut up."

"Go ahead. Make me." He challenged leaning forward in his seat. The officer opened and closed his mouth several times but nothing came out of it.

Taking the opportunity to help her escape the awkward moment, I cleared my throat and walked in.

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