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Elise was just outside her door when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out to see there were a few texts in her phone.

Where have you been girl, haven't seen you at work. All good?

This one was from Sera.

She scrolled down to other texts to see a couple from her brother asking her where she was and when she was coming home. Deciding that it was better to knock on the door than to answer the text, she ignore his message and knocked. She scrolled to another text and a lump formed in her throat. It was from Javier.

I couldn't leave Riley alone but we need to talk. You need to come stay at the house for a couple of days. Do it for Riley. He is sick and you not being here will cause him distress.

The message read. She felt a sense of relief knowing that he didn't follow her not because he didn't care. Then she read the message again. She wanted to go. For Riley. She was aware after his condition today that her absence won't help his health right now. But then another thought struck her. What if Javier was only being polite because he wanted her to look after his son? She won't have refused Riley even if he was rude. She loved Riley and would anything for him even if Javier was rude or harsh. He didn't have to play with her heart pretending to be guilty when he was not. She knew she was judging him but she had dealt with enough pain to always assume the worst. She had felt heartbreak from everyone she had cared about and now her heart was scared to trust again.

Just when her thoughts were in a whirlwind in her head, Elliot had opened the door and was looking at the face of his sister as her emotions swan on her face. He could see the moisture in her eyes and his gaze fell on the phone in her hand. He had a hunch that whatever made her sad was in the phone so he snatched it and read the message. The veins on his head popped in anger.
"Lee.." Elise said trying to take her phone back only to be pulled in and the door closed behind her. Elliot returned the phone back to her. He no longer needed it. He had seen what he needed. He had thought that sending her out would bring her out of the gloom that had bubbled around her for the last couple of days but that bastard boss of her ruined his efforts.

"You are not going."

"But.." Elise started.

"No buts Ellie. He fired you, left you alone there in Chicago. You no longer work for him. You don't have to do anything for him anymore. YOU. ARE. NOT. GOING. Thats Final." His tone made it clear that there was no argument that could convince.

"Riley needs me Lee. He is a kid. I can't punish him for what his father did." She said softly placing her hand on his arm to calm him down.

"He is a great kid Ellie." Elliot said cupping her cheeks and wiping the stray tears with his thumb. "But he isn't yours to worry about. He has his parents who can look after him."

Elise smiled despite the tears at the name of her Riley.

"Thats where you are wrong Lee. Riley is mine to care about." She said smiling.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused. He knew Ellie loved the kid. She often talked about him while dinner, she even had a picture of him in her room. But what did she mean he was her?

"He called me Momma today." Her face broke into a huge grin at the memory. "He wants me to be his mother." She said happily.

"What?" Elliot took a few steps back. His face held confusion. "This isn't right. This is wrong Ellie. You are not his mother. He was surely mistaken." He rambled.

His words worked as a bucket of cold water and soaked all the happiness she felt a moment ago. Was it true? Did Riley make a mistake?

A sob escape her without her realising, soon followed by others. Elliot looked at her in shock. He had no idea how his words had affected her but now he felt guilty.

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