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The nerve of that freaking Italian.

I paced around my room, completely restless. I was in the office with Vittore just moments ago and I knew that I needed to leave his mansion as soon as possible. The longer I stayed here, the more time it gave Vittore to figure out who and what I actually was. By mentioning my code name, The Jade Scythe, I knew he was close to figuring everything out. I wasn't going to be around when he did.

I was leaving tonight. As soon as the sun set and this estate was basked in shadows, I was taking my leave. I didn't have much with me to help sneak out but I was crafty. Walking to the window, I peeled back the curtain and watched the guards below.

* * *

Night had fallen and it was my time to make a break for it. I'd been watching the guards all day, learning their shift times. I had to hand it to him, Vittore was smart. The times were never the same. Sometimes they would take an hour's break, then fifteen minutes, then half an hour, back to fifteen then the hour again. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up and it would take a week before I mastered their methods.

I didn't want to wait a week. I had to leave now so I was taking my chances. The maid from before had dropped a pair of white leggings, underwear and a light grey hoodie for me not long ago. I had cut the bottom part of the hoodie, leaving my midriff bare but now, I had a weapon of sorts. I held the piece of cloth firmly in my hand as I watched the guards leave their posts from below my window.

I now had exactly two minutes to get down there. Using one of the teeth I broke off from my comb, I unlocked the door and walked down the hall, taking the same route I did with the Alexa chick. I walked in the shadows and along the wall. Turning a corner, I saw two armed guards so I quickly retreated, putting my back against the wall.

Taking a peek, I was glad to see they hadn't noticed my presence. I took a deep breath, holding the piece of cloth from my hoodie in one hand. I turned the corner, running towards the guards. The first one spotted me, raising his gun to take a shot but I had already reached him. I moved my hand, hitting him in the face with the hoodie piece. While he was distracted, I grabbed his gun with my other hand and hit him in the nose with my elbow, knocking him out cold.

The other guard was still in shock so I dropped the gun in my hand, wrapping the hoodie piece around his head from behind and cutting off his air supply. He fought against me but because I was smaller than he was, he couldn't grab me from behind. Due to lack of air, it wasn't long until he slumped on the ground. I took his gun and his partner's, searching their body for any key cards that could be of use.

I found both their cards and took one, putting it in the waistband of my leggings with the guns. I continued on my way until I reached the kitchen. There was no one present and I walked to the back door which needed a key card to be opened. Sliding the one's at my waist in the slot, it buzzed before the door swung open. I slipped out and closed it behind me, throwing the key card in the bush. I couldn't use it again.

Walking along the mansion wall, I set my sights for the staff exit of the property. It was a small door guarded by two men that I had almost missed to see from my window. The only problem was that the dog's kennels were found next to it. I knew I wouldn't be able to outrun those dogs and I hoped they weren't opened. It would be a shame to shoot them down.

I got down as the exit came into view. I watched as one of the maids walked towards the guards. The dogs in the kennels barked wildly but were hushed by a skinny looking man seated on a chair. The maid had to show her worker's ID before she was let out. As one of the guards used a key card to open the door for her, I caught the glimpse of more security outside.

Great. Just great.

I waited for a few more minutes for my plan to fully come together. Remember the parts I had taken out of the lamp? It wasn't hard to start a little fire with their help. I turned, looking for the main direction of my window. Smoke could be seen from that area and I was slightly glad everything was working out. The sound of a siren reached my ears and he two guards at the exit looked up.

"Do you see the smoke?" one of them asked.

"Yeah. I'll go check it out," the other responded before running towards where I was.

When he passed me, I jumped out of the bush, pulling him down with me, I put a hand over his mouth while the other was around his neck, suffocating him. He struggled in my grip but I was determined to get out of this place and he was just a nuisance. Soon, he went limp in my arms and I detached myself from him. I grabbed his key card from his pocket and started taking his black shirt off him.

I tucked the shirt into my leggings along with everything else. Turning back to the door, I noticed other staff members were being ushered out of the mansion. I walked quickly, pulling my hoodie up and joining the crowd. I got out one of the guns, shooting straight in the air. Everyone around me panicked and rushed to the door like a stampede of elephants. My hand was knocked and I dropped the gun but that was beyond my worries.

I pushed through the crowd that the guard was trying to control and swiped the key card on the door which slid open. Everyone rushed out of the door and were intercepted by the hundreds of guards outside. I wasted no time making a run for it down the street. Before reaching the end of the property, I saw a camera and smiled at it as I passed by.

I was free. 

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