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"We should get going," Vittore mumbled and I nodded. I run my hands down my dress and frowned when I reached a weird fold. I pushed my hand against it and it slipped inside. I gasped and did the same on the other side.

"It has pockets?" I inquired, completely bewildered.

"Of course it does," Vittore mumbled and I smiled, leaving my hands in the pockets. I was so going to use these.

"We just have to wait for my mother to get picked up for the transport," Vittore stated.

"When is that?" I asked at the same time the elevator dinged.


I looked ahead to see Maddox walking into the penthouse, dressed in all black, a bullet proof vest around his chest and guns on his hip. He smiled at me.

"You look beautiful," he complemented and I gave a stiff smile.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly. "So you're transporting Faye?"

"Yep, me and some other men."

"Nothing too flashy right? It's not going to seem like you're transporting the president?" I asked because that was important.

"Yes of course," Maddox sated, adjusting his vest. "We're going to be very inconspicuous trust me."

"Whatever you say," I mumbled trailing off and turning to Faye who gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Bye dear. Remember what I said," Faye whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"I will. Ti amo," I mumbled lowly for only her and I to hear. Her hold tightened on me.

"Anch'io ti amo," Faye responded and my heart squeezed in my chest. The woman pulled back and kissed my cheek before patting it lovingly. She moved to Maddox as Vittore moved over to me.

"You should go down to the garage where the limo's waiting. I'll be with you soon," Vittore mumbled. I nodded and he leaned down, planting a quick kiss to my cheek.

My heart fluttered in my chest and I looked down, shyly walking away from everyone in the room. Vittore needed to say his good byes to his mother and Maddox was sure to get some kind of briefing.

I got in the elevator and to the garage and the limo wasn't hard to spot. I quickly opened the door and moved inside, making sure all of my dress went in with me.

I let out a breath, finally getting some peace and quiet that was ruined when the screen that separated me from the driver slid open.

"Jade Scythe. Oddly comfortable you're getting," a familiar voice said and I looked up to meet someone I'd been wishing to see again since our last encounter.

"Crimson Raven. I wish I could say this is a surprise," I mumbled, my eyes drifting to her hands where a diamond ring glinted in the light. "You seem to be getting comfortable too."

The Crimson Raven smiled and held up her hand, wiggling her fingers. "He proposed last week. We're already planning the wedding. Don't worry. You'll get an invite."

"I better," I teased.

"But I'm not here to give all good and jolly news sadly," the Crimson Raven mumbled.

"I suspected as much. What do you have for me? Have you found Jordan?" I asked.

"Yes and no. We still have a few potholes but we have a general location. We found he's been working with the Don of that mafia, the Ravens. I'm sure you've heard of them."

"I have. We're going to find a way to bring them down hence..." I motioned at myself.

"Married to the most powerful Don in the world. I salute you soldier," the Crimson Raven teased. "I just wanted to tell you to come to this address, this day in four weeks."

The Crimson Raven handed me a paper and I put it in my pocket.

"By then we'll have a clear location and will begin making plans to get Jordan out of there. With the protection from the Ravens, he's been surprisingly hard to find but there's no way we'll miss him," The Crimson Raven told me.

"Well that's good to hear. I don't think I can fully rest until he's gone from this earth," I mumbled and the Crimson Raven nodded.

"Another thing... we may need help from your hubby over there."

"What?" I asked confused.

"We're better than any assassins made Jade Scythe but we aren't perfect. Most of us now have lives to live, families to protect. We are going to need his connections, weapons and help basically," the Crimson Raven told me.

"But that means I'd have to tell him everything," I mumbled, fear beginning to cloud my mind. I didn't want to relive those memories, especially not in front of Vittore. I'd done well tucking them away, ignoring the nightmares and the pain but if I brought it up in front of him...

"Better late than never. We really do need his input if you want Jordan gone. You have four weeks. I'm sure you'll work something out," the Crimson Raven reassured me.

"Yeah sure..." I mumbled with a sigh.

"I have to go but... this is the only chance like this we might get in a while. Don't screw up."

"I won't. Trust me," I mumbled and the Crimson Raven nodded before the screen slid closed and I was left alone in the back seat, to think through my own shit.

Everything was coming together, things seeming so close but yet, there was a lot to do. I sighed and mentally put Jordan as my first priority. My parents could wait. Right now, they seemed irrelevant to this whole mission.

The door opened and Vittore slid in. The car started once his door was shut and off we went. I turned my head to the side and looked at him. My heart wrenched at the thought of sharing everything I'd gone through at the safe house in Jordan's hands to get his help.

I didn't play fair if I was honest. When I got to that safe house, I'd gone alone and my own survival trampled everything else. I was a monster in my own eyes but I didn't want Vittore to see me as such which I'm sure he will.

I scooted closer to him on the chair and lay my head on his shoulder. He didn't say anything or protest but put and arm around my waist and pull me closer. I didn't care that I'd never been so bold to want affection from him. All I wanted was something to hold onto.

This was the calm before the storm. I could feel it in my veins.

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