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I burst through the doors of his office. He sat there, sitting at his desk, his eyes not even rising to meet mine.

Three weeks.

Three bloody weeks since we last saw each other and he didn't even want to look up. My eyes grew cold and my face hardened.


"I need to speak to you," I said, no emotion in my tone. He paused the papers he was looking over for a second before continuing.

"You already are."

My breath hitched a little. I missed his voice. Sighing, I decided I wasn't telling him everything. I thought I would but it didn't matter anymore.

"The operation was called SIREN," I begun and those dark eyes finally looked up at me and my heart twisted though I didn't show anything but indifference. "It was started as a way to create female assassins, super soldiers if you must, to help those who could afford their services to take out any enemy. The girls, between the ages of 10 and 16 were sold to the head and trained for four, five or even six years in a secret location known as the safe house. Each girl was given a code name because of what their skills were and how good they did them.

My name was Jade Scythe. Jade because of the amount of luck I kept having and Scythe because it's death's chosen weapon. Over the years, exactly 231 of girls have been sold for the cause of this operation and 17, including myself were the only ones to pull through. The operation was stopped the day I was given to you and the leader went into hiding."

"Why are you telling me this?" Vittore finally asked and I had to remind myself not to crumble at how his words didn't hold the smallest hint of care.

Mine didn't either.

"I've been in touch with the other girls I was imprisoned with and they have a lead on the leader. We were planning to take him out but we can't do it alone, I- we need your help," I said, my voice softer.

Vittore dropped his pen and run his hand along the beard that had grown on his chin. He did look much sexier with it though.


"How long have you been in touch?" he asked me.

"Since the casino heist," I answered truthfully. This just seemed to distress Vittore more as he run his hands through his hair.

I remember doing that. His hair was silky and soft.


"This leader... what's his name?" Vittore asked and I sighed.

"Jordan. That's all I know," I mumbled. Vittore looked up at me with a frown.

I guess we were just going to pretend like we didn't have three weeks apart and just talk like any business partners would.

Good to know where our relationship stood.

"Describe him."

"Brown hair, hazel eyes, crooked nose, large build, about 6 feet tall, a scar run just under his chin," I responded.

How could I forget a face like his? It was branded into my nightmares.

Vittore sighed and stood up. "These other assassins, where are they?"

"I can call them to come here but... why so interested?" I asked with a frown. I thought this was some kind of in and out kind of ting for just me and my sisters. Nothing more.

"Because I know the man you're looking for," Vittore confessed.

"You do?" I asked surprised. How many people did this Italian know?

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