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I held onto the wheel tightly and as soon as my car was out in the world, bullets were fired on the roof and windshield that held strong. Bullet proof. Nice. I drove to the back of the mansion, getting their attention off where Faye was going to exit from. I heard shouts and five men came from seemingly nowhere, shooting at the car.

I immediately slowed down and made the car come to a stop. The men looked up quizzically and I saw them slowly advancing.

"That's right. Come at me bitches," I said, tightening my hold on the wheel. The men inched closer and as soon as they were in reach, I turned on the lights to full blast and harshly brought my foot down to the gas.

They were still trying to regain their sight and finally registered what was going to happen when the benz knocked into the first three. The other two weren't so lucky as I was shaken in my seat, running over the bodies. I stopped and turned the gear, reversing, the car practically jumping with the dead weight I was running over.

I sat in the car for a few more seconds until I finally saw them. Over ten men appeared from behind the house and that's when I knew I had the lot of them here. Two carried snippers so that entailed there weren't any left if I killed these assholes. 

I opened one of the car compartments as a shot rung in the air and one of the car's tires were flattened. I just ignored that and found a gun, making sure it was loaded before I removed the safety. I shifted in my seat, opening the sun roof.

"Surrender or we will open fire!" one of the guys shouted and I snorted. What were they? The cops.

I squatted in the seats, grabbing my other gun and holding the two firmly in my grasp. I lifted my body out of the roof.

"I don't surrender to submissive bitches," I said before I begun to shoot.

Adrenaline was rushing through my veins as I popped in and out of the roof like a jack in the box. Shots were fired, screams were heard and bodies fell to the ground. It wasn't long until I was the lone man- no- the lone woman standing.

"That was eventful," I murmured getting back in the seat, ready to follow after Faye who I was sure was long gone by now.

The car tyre was flat and I was about to get out when I looked to my left and a huge grey jeep was coming straight at me, running over the perfectly mowed lawn, headlights bright and blinding. I quickly sat my ass down and fumbled with the seatbelt before the massive vehicle slammed into the passenger side, sending the benz tumbling over and rolling towards the mansion.

I crashed into the side of the building, a ringing sounding in my ears. The car was upside down and my hair was sweeping on the roof of it. I blinked my eyes open, dizziness consuming me for a second. I sighed, reaching for the gun that was next to me.

I held it in my grasp as the passenger door was ripped open. I closed my eyes and pretended I was unconscious whilst my heart beat wildly in my chest. It was only when and arm was trying to get me out of my seatbelt that I lifted my hand and shot three bullets from the gun blindly. There was a thump and I sighed, blinking my eyes open to see a dead body in the car with me.

I let out a breath, undoing my seatbelt and falling to the roof of the car. I pushed the body aside as I crawled out, laying flat on my back and gazing at the sky.

"Cosa ho fatto per meritarmi questo (What did I do to deserve this)?" I mumbled in Italian. Throwing a hand over my eyes, I decided to just rest here for a hot second and get my bearings. I had a list of things I needed to do.

One, get to Faye. Two, find a place for us to stay until Vittore found us and the only way to do that was if I had cash. I guess I'll just pick pocket people on the way there. Sitting up with a groan, I pulled myself across the grass to one of the many dead bodies. This one just had a hole in the side of this face.

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