20. Beast Taming

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Meixiang's group's pace was indeed increased. They will settle late at night. Those who can cultivate will cultivate. Tian Ling will study prescriptions while Auntie Tian will cook dinner. Old Leng and Ping Lei on the other hand will stand as guards. After dinner they will directly sleep. The puppets will have their shifts to guard the camp while everyone is sleeping. The next day, they will start their journey early morning. When lunch time arrives, they will just sit and eat Auntie Tian's ready made lunch and if starved, there are unlimited supply of snacks prepared by Auntie Tian beforehand. These snacks was stored inside the sacred book to avoid spoilage.

While in journey, Old Leng, Mother Tian, and Tian Ling in pursuit of the cultivators barely survive all thanks to the medications and spiritual water from Meixiang.

Tian Feng, Ping Chunhua and Ping Lei on the other hand are not completely worry free.

Ping Lei's stamina and speed is great as he not only cultivate to become a master refiner but he also nourished and practiced his physical body in the past six months. Ping Chunhua on the other hand is weaker than his brother, adding she is a female so there is indeed a big gap in the first place. But if she is to compared to Tian Feng, she is undoubtedly much stronger.

Tian Feng's physical condition is not as great as the others. Same with the others, Meixiang already helped Tian Feng to solve his physical condition with the nourishment of the spiritual water from the sacred book and a medicinal bath, what Tian Feng lacks was the actual physical conditioning. Because cultivation devours most of Tian Feng's time, and even after cultivation he train with his combat partner using magic, standing and walking determinable counts of steps are his only exercises. In this case, Old Leng who isn't a cultivator and also very old is stronger than Tian Feng, a young man on his teens. This journey inside the White Forest will indeed help him a lot.

While the others are tired, martial artists are joining the walk while doing another part of their training. Bai Zihan is shooting arrows when he sees normal animals then Uncle Tian improves his speed by fetching these dead animals to give them to his wife. Xian Ji on the other hand is wearing his usual carefree smile, enjoying the nature watching every trees and weeds.

Meixiang who is both magician and martial artist, naturally have no problem with this. She just simply munch her snacks while observing the sorrounding.

On the fourth day of their journey, they finally encounter spiritual beasts but these are only with low levels of cultivation. Even so, they capture them and get their beast cores while their meats are to be save by Auntie Tian for their meals.

On the fifth day, Meixiang said to settle earlier so as they did. They continue their old routine while Xian Ji was brought by Meixiang outside the camp.

They walk from the camp to the east part of the forest. While walking, Meixiang is giving a brief introduction of becoming a beast tamer.

"Before you can perform the art of beast taming, you need to conquer them first. Spiritual beasts have a longer life span compared to human cultivators. That is why they didn't favor having a contract with humans. Cultivator and beasts often do master-slave contract. Human as the master and beast as the slave. Once the master died, his beast also dies. With this reason, spiritual beasts are against contracting with humans."

"The other kind of contract can a human and beast come into is a same-fate contract. Different from master-slave contract, once the other party died, the same-fate contract will let the other party lives and automatically the contract will end. But humans are against this contract with the reason of, once the other party died, their stage of cultivation will decline by one or two stages."

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