The Twins Betrayal 10

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Third Person

"Christian please go get the younger twins for Lunch," Heather told her oldest son.

The twenty-year-old gets up from his seat without answering his mom. On the way to get the kids, he meets his younger brother of two years.

"What're you doing?" James questioned his brother.

"I'm going to go get Makayla and the other one"

Christian explained barely acknowledging his youngest brother.

As the boys were finally arriving in the hallway with the stairs they saw the youngest twins at the top of the stairs. They noticed how it seemed as if they were arguing. They saw their brother lift his arms and push his twin down the long set of stairs.

"Makayla!" Both boys shouted as they watched their little sister roll down the long set of stairs.  They attempted to run to catch her but by the time they got to the stairs they were too late.

Their youngest sister was lying at the bottom of the stairs at an angle. Christian picked the unconscious girl up and ran towards the dining room. James followed behind him with Cayden.

"Mom!" The older boys shouted together.

Their mother quickly turns to them surprised. She sees Makayla unconscious. She quickly gets up out of her seat and rushed to them.

"What happened? We have to get her to the back." Heather said hurridly referring to the clinic they had in the back of the house.

They all rushed outside to the clinic and got a doctor. The doctor put her on a gurney and took the girl to the back. The rest of the family sat in the waiting area. Heather was on the phone with her husband telling him what she knew.

About half an hour later he was walking towards the silent group. He saw that his oldest daughter was with his youngest son on the floor. They were farther away from their siblings who were sitting with their mother in front of the doors where Makayla was.

He went straight to his wife so that he could comfort her.

"Honey, What happened?" He asked when he got to her.

"I'm not sure. The boys might know since they brought her to me."

The man then looked towards his oldest son and again asked what had happened. Said boy turned and glared at his youngest brother.

"He pushed her dad." He said as he turned and looked at his father. "He pushed her from the top of the stairs. On purpose."

As the boy said this the older man looked at his son and daughter. He could see that he looked upset. He couldn't believe that he would do something like that.

He thought that the kid was very closed off and shy. The boy just didn't seem like the type to hurt someone, he didn't even look like he could hurt a fly.

"Are you sure?" He asked turning back to his oldest son.

"Yeah, dad, James, and I both saw. He lifted his arms and pushed her down the stairs."

Leonardo POV

I let Christian go back to his brothers so that I could talk to my wife. We walked over to the chairs at the side of the doors and sat down.

"Do you think he did it?"

I looked at her, shook my head, and shrugged my shoulders. I rubbed my hand over my face and looked back at my son.

"I don't know. He doesn't seem like the type of kid to do that."

I looked at him again. I can't believe that he pushed Makayla. He is a smart kid and got good grades in school. He's very kind and shy.

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