The Twins Betrayal 22

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I sleepily blank my eyes as I slowly started to wake up after taking a short nap with my girlfriend on her couch. Aliyah was lying on top of me with her hand wrapping around me as I lay down on my back with one arm wrapped around her shoulder and the other on her back.

I looked down at her beautiful sleeping face and started to think about why I came over yesterday. Everything at home has been so stressful and having a mole in the business, just makes everything worse.

Ever since the car incident, everyone has started to alienate the youngest boys. It mainly started after they got accused of destroying the twins' cars.

After their skateboards were found in the windshields, everyone just assumed that they did it so that they could get better boards. I just cannot believe that at all.

My youngest brothers are like the sweetest people ever and if they wanted something they wouldn't just destroy other things to get it.

I shook my head at that and started thinking about the way how everyone has been treating them. For some reason, Chris and James had never liked the boys. They have treated them atrociously, especially Cayden, ever since they got here.

They mess with him every chance they get. And mom and dad are no help to the younger boys at all. They never say anything to stop the older ones from messing with them.

Speaking of my parents, they just found out that there are moles in two of the businesses—one in the mafia and one in the real estate business. So far our construction company has been okay.

Anyways, the one in the mafia has been stealing from shipments and making it so that it was barely noticed on a few of them, but we've been getting complaints about them being short.

Then in the real estate, business someone has been embezzling money, a few thousand dollars at a time. And we haven't been able to track them because they have been able to scramble the IP address so we can't track them.

So, that has been stressing everyone out. That's probably why tough on Cade and Ace, but that doesn't give them an excuse. So whenever, they give them a hard day I bring them over to Ali's house to give them a break.

So we end up coming over here at least three times a week. The boys also have some clothes here for when they do stay the night here.

Ali and I have also been talking about moving in together soon, so I have started to move some of my things over here and we have started shopping for more furniture among other things.

Anyways as I was saying before, Everyone has been tough on Cade and Ace for different reasons.

"Babe?" I heard my girlfriend's sleepy voice as she moved from completely lying down on me.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked her as she started to get up.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just going to the bathroom." She told me as she fully got up, while still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

I sat up, still thinking about everything and a few minutes later Ali came back from the bathroom. She came in and sat in my lap for a little before asking me a question.

"Babe, you okay?"

I sighed and shrugged.

"I'm good, just kinda stressed."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"I guess so." I said and paused. I didn't know where to start.

"Okay so remember when I told you about the Twins windshields?" I paused and she nodded in response.

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