The Twins Betrayal 15

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"Thanks for the ride Bill." I said as I hopped out of my neighbor's truck.

I saw him nod at me as I slammed the door shut. He drove off as I started walking into the school. I always made sure to come early to avoid some of the older boys. Didn't mean I was very successful though.

I decided to roam the halls seeing as there was still a bit of time until school started. After a few minutes I noticed a boy walk out of the office. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was lost by the way he was moving.

I discreetly watched him wander around for a few minutes then went to help him.

"You look lost."

I must have scared him because he flinched a bit before turning to me. I could now see his face that was sprinkled with freckles that surrounded his blue-green eyes along with his wavy brunette hair that ended at his neck.

"That's cause I am." He told me laughing a bit.

"I can help. Here let me see your schedule." I said as I put my hand out.

He handed it to me and I saw that coincidentally we had the same classes.

"Good news. We have all of our classes together."

He smiled at me and I gave him the paper back. Since school still wouldn't start for another 20 minutes, we chose to walk around some more.

I found out that his name is Cayden and that he likes to skateboard, draw and play music. I also found out he knew a few languages, which he promised to teach me.

After getting to know each other more we realized that we had ten minutes left. We continued to talk as we started to walk towards the room.

As we walked in the room we separated with me going to my seat and him going to the teachers desk. They talked for a few minutes then he came and sat by me.

Class eventually started and the teacher started to talk about us learning to play instrument since it was a new semester.

After showing us the instruments and telling us what they were he let us go up in small groups and pick something we would like to play.

Cayden and I were first along with two other kids but he stayed sitting. I went and grabbed the two guitars for us. I handed him one and sat down back down.


I just nodded at him. I watched as he adjusted the instrument on his lap and then looked at me.


"Do you know how to play?"

"Yeah. Want me to help you?"


He then told me to adjust the guitar like he had it and he slowly started to show me the different cords and how to play them. Then he put his guitar down and moved his seat closer to mine.

He showed me where to put my fingers and fixed them when they weren't right. He also made sure I understood everything before he moved to the next step.

Then next thing we know class is over. We put the guitars away and made our way to math. Which I was surprisingly good at. We got to the room and did the same thing as first period.

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