The Twins Betrayal 3

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Bring Bring

The bell rang loudly in my ears as second period ended for the day. I was happy to get out of the science class that I was in. My "partner" didn't want anything to do with helping me with our project. And I couldn't be alone because our class was of even numbers and it had to be groups of twos.

Therefore if I was alone the other kid had to be too and the teacher didn't want that. I was going to talk to the teacher after class but he apparently had to go somewhere straight after. So I couldn't but I decided that I would go to class early tomorrow to talk to him.

I started to make my way to the library so that I could see if there was a new book that I could read. So far I couldn't find anything yet. I had also read about a quarter of the books that were supposed to be my reading level. I couldn't really find anything so I asked the librarian if she could recommend something. She also knew that I was above the average reading level for my age.

"This book is for ninth graders and I think that you would understand it." She replied "I think that it is an amazing book and I'm sure that you will love it too." She finished as she handed me the book.

To Kill A Mockingbird

I've actually heard of this book before. One of the eighth grade teachers was going to give it to me but they weren't really sure if I was going to understand it or not. I read the description of the book and I thought that I sounded good. I thanked her for it and left. I knew that the bell for the end of lunch was going to ring in about ten minutes and my third period class was gym.

I preferred not to change around a lot of guys so I just went early and changed by myself. When I got there I went to the locker rooms and unlocked my gym locker. I took out my gym clothes from my bag and quickly changed. I put my regular clothes in my bag and put the bag in my locker. I locked it and put my extra lock on it.

I had to do that since it was broken into a while ago and all of my stuff got ruined. I knew that Makayla had gotten one of her monthly boyfriends to do it for her since fortunately she wasn't in most classes with me. We only had Art and Spanish together and luckily we had those towards the end of the year as we switched classes.

I walked up to the gym and waited for the teacher to open the doors. The bell had rang a few minutes ago and I could hear all of the other boys in the locker room. The gym teacher opened the door for me after she left her office and went to open the one for the girls room.

I went to the bleachers and sat down waiting for directions. She started to mark down attendance as people started to come in. Soon enough about ten minutes later everybody was accounted for and she told us that we were going outside today. I was kind of happy since today was a nice day and she didn't make us do much.

We went to the tracks and field and she told us that we had to do five laps around the track and then we could basically do whatever. I started my laps with walking I did that for a lap and a half. I switched to a slow jog during the other half and continued that until midway of the third lap. Then I started to slowly run so that I could gain speed.

Next thing I know I'm on the ground. My knees kinda hurt and so did my hands. And I somehow hit my chin on the ground so that was bleeding and so was my lip that was cut. I heard some of the people laughing as I got up but I chose to ignore them. I walked over to the teacher and asked if I could go to the nurse.

She asked if I needed any help going and I shook my head and started walking inside. I grabbed a paper towel and my bag before I left because the bell was going to ring in about thirty minutes and I didn't know how long I was going to be there. I put the paper towel on my face and started on my way to the nurses office. I got there five minutes later and walked in.

She looked at my and started to ask me what happened as she put on her medical gloves and removed the bloody towel from my face. She started to examine my face after she threw it away. She went to one of the cabinets and took of a big bandaid and alcohol wipes. She wiped my chin and put the bandaid on it.

I asked her if I could change before the bell rang in the bathroom in her office and she let me. I quickly changed out of the sweaty clothes and switched to my normal ones. I shoved the others back into my bag and left the bathroom. When I got out I didn't see the nurse so I just left.

There's was still about fifteen minutes until the bell rang and I wasn't about to go back to the gym so I just decided to walk around for ten minutes. I decided that I would go to my last class and just sit outside of the room until the bell rang. After a few minutes of waiting the bell rang and I stood up. I waited for all of the other students to leave before I went into the room.

I walked in and went to my desk. The teacher was doing something and I didn't want to bother her. The last bell rang and she shut the door. But before she could start to tell us what to do she got a call on the school phone. It was the office. She looked towards my direction.

"Cayden you're needed in the office."

Oohs went around the room. I got up and walked out. I couldn't be bothered to ask what it was about or if I needed a hall pass because either way I would still need to go to the office. When I got to the office I noticed Makayla also walking. I guess they needed both of us.

She pushed me out of the way and walked in. I have no idea on how no one saw that. I just ignored it and walked in. Mrs. Owens walked over to me and gave me a hug. I just let my arms awkwardly hang at my sides as she did.

She let go and just told me to go into the principals office. I walked in a saw a man and two women standing by the principal that was sitting down in his chair. Makayla was sitting in one of the chairs at the front of his desk. He motioned for me to sit in the other one.

"Cayden and Makayla I have called you here to tell you that..."
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
What's he going to tell them?

Who are those other people?

Find out in the next chapter of The Twins Betrayal.

What did you think? How's the book so far?

I just want to add that I have read To Kill a Mockingbird and that I personally loved it.

Anyways thanks for reading and pls




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