Chapter 4

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Naomi POV

I'm sitting down on my bed trying to decide if I should call him or not. I mean it has been 4 months since I've last seen him.

How is he going to react? I already have the number dialed into my phone all I have to do is press the call button.

Freak it I'm just going to press it. I press the call button and at the same time my heart dropped to my stomach.

What did I just do? What do I even say if he picks ups.

" こんにちは?" A person answers. Did I call the right number?

" Um hello?" I ask into the phone because I am pretty sure I put in the right number.

" Yes? May I ask who this is?" The person replies.

" Um I don't know if you remember me, but you were at a hotel with me about 4 months ago and we both got drunk and did something." I say into the phone getting embarrassed.

" Ah yes I remember. Your the feisty room service that helped me get my ex from out of my room." He said.

" Um yea, her." I say.

" Well is there anything you need right now I'm kind of in the middle of something." He says.

" Oh yes. Well um I don't know how to tell you this, but um, please don't get mad or yell at me or anything. I just wanna say..." I say getting cut off.

" Come on I'm not going bite you." He says urging me to spit it out.

" Well that night just so happened to be my first time with anybody and I somehow gotpregnant." I say say the last part really fast.

" I'm sorry I couldn't understand that last part." He says.

" I got pregnant and I just found out and I haven't been with anyone besides you so it's definitely yours." I say in one breath.

" あなたの妊娠?" (Your pregnant?)He says. Suddenly I here multiple voices in the background speaking in the same language.

" I don't understand what you are saying?" I said getting really nervous.

" Oh sorry. I forgot. Um I can't meet up with you right now as I am not in the United States. Can you wait a day or two?" Says into the phone.

" Yes I can wait. Wait. You are not in the US?" I ask dumbfounded. If I didn't have his card I probably would have never found him.

" Ah yes I live in Japan. I'm with my family right now." He says. So that's what all those voices were. I wonder what he said to make them all rowdy.

" Oh ok then. I'll hang up then." I say ending the call. Well that was awkward.

Loc's POV (Talking in Japanese)

I just got off the phone with whom I would call an angel because that what she reminds me of. Well a feisty one.

" Loc who is pregnant?" My mother asking from across the table.

I was having dinner with my family when the woman who's been on my mind for months called.

 My family wouldn't let me take the call in private so I had to answer it in front of them which probably was not a good idea.

" No one mother." I say trying to brush off the topic.

" Did you get your girlfriend pregnant? I thought you broke up with that woman." She said in disgust.

" It wasn't even Sylvia so you can calm down mom." I say to her.

" So you have a new girlfriend?" She says getting happy. She has been begging me to give her a grandchild for the longest. She wanted me to have one before I turned 30 but things didn't work out according to her plans.

" Mmmm I wouldn't say I have a girlfriend. You will just have to wait and see." I say to her to appease her ears.

" So who is pregnant?" My father asks.

" Um someone I know. She's in America. I'm going to visit her tomorrow." I say telling him half of the truth.

" Why go through all that trouble just to see her? Do you like her?" My sister asks.

" Why does it matter to you?" I ask.

"Besides the fact that you can't like a pregnant lady? Don't you think I have a right to know?" She says trying to reason.

" And what right is that?" I say.

" Enough with the games. If you are leaving tomorrow then you best quickly finish your eating and get to bed early." My father says.

" Thanks." I say standing up from the table and saying my goodbyes before going to my car.

I call my assistant to book me the earliest flight to the US. If what she says is true then I might even have a chance with her.

It's true that she is very beautiful. She is also hardworking and modest. She caught my eye when I first saw her. Her fluffy black hair was in a ponytail and she barely wore makeup while her golden brown skin glowed perfectly. And her eyes so hidden from the world that you would wonder if she knew who the president of her country was.

I never thought I would be able to see her again this soon. Of course I was coming back to check on the hotels, but I wasn't going back to that one for a while. She just gave me a reason to go back. I was planning on seeing her again when I came back to check on the hotels again, but this is even better.

When I had asked her to come up to my room that time to have dinner with me I didn't know things would end up like this. When I called her up and told her the dinner was to thank her for helping me earlier that day it was only to spend more time with her. 

I didn't know we would both get so drunk to the point we woke up the next morning in bed together with no recollection of what happened the night before. I wish I could remember the details from that night.

She intrigued me so much that I had my secretary look up her information in the company's files.

I can't believe I was her first. Even though I don't really remember our experience together. I can't believe we might have a baby together. I cant believe I going to be a father.

I didn't think I would be a father this soon. I'm in shock if I'm totally honest. Hopefully I can be a good father. I want to be a good father.

If she only just found out she was pregnant after a few months have past then she must still be relatively small.

I wonder if she knows the gender yet. I honestly don't know how to feel about it. I hope she can accept me. 

Am I happy? Am I scared? I've never really taken care of anyone like that. Everything's always been handed to me.

Hopefully she lets me into my child's life. I really want to do my best at this.

When I got home I packed my bags and got ready to leave for tomorrow. I let my housekeeper know to take care of the dog while I'm out.

Hopefully I can get her to come back here with me since I can't watch her when she's in the US.

I also hope she doesn't feel any type of way of how I act because I know sometimes I can have a cold streak in me. I get that from my father.

I lay in bed and try to go to sleep but I can't so I just lay there deep in thought.

My Infinite Devotionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें