Chapter 5

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Loc's POV

" 私は今、道を進んでいます。私がどこに向かっているのか誰にも言わないでください。私的な事柄についてパパラッチをフォローする必要はありません。" ( I'm on my way right now. Don't tell anyone where I'm heading to I don't need paparazzi following on private matters). Right now I'm on the phone with my secretary.

If word gets out on where I'm going and why I'm going it's not going to be good. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like that because it seemed like she didn't even know who I was when she first met me.

If you don't even know who owns the hotel you work in then you must not read the news often.

Usually I would wear a suit and tie, but today is different. I'm wearing some pants and a hoodie with a pair of glasses.

I'm usually not able to wear comfortable clothes during flights since I have to keep up my sophisticated and clean look all the time.

Before hanging up I tell my secretary to send me any work I need to do through email since I can't delay my work. Otherwise I'd be pulling all nighters for the rest of the week.

I board my private plane and get ready for a long 13 hour journey to the US.

Hopefully I can get some sleep since I was not able to get any last night.

Usually I would not have immediately went to go see if something like this really happened because 1 I don't fool around as I'm to busy for things like that. Second I only do things like that when I'm in a relationship.

It just so happened that we were both drunk in this situation. Plus I get the chance to meet her again.

I don't know what it is but she has already captured me.

Naomi POV

This whole situation is going better than I planned. I really thought he was going to deny what I was going to say.

I mean I don't even know who he is like that and he doesn't even know who I am like that.

And from what I can gather from previous events is that he has to come from a rich family.

My evidence is first he had one of the best suites of the hotel and he gave me a wad of cash. Second he had one of those model looking girlfriends. Third he definitely gave off an " I am more entitled then you because I have money" vibes.

And I'm not trying to be judgy because who am I to judge before I even judge myself. It's just the way I'm seeing things. And I may be wrong who knows.

I guess I'll just go to sleep for now. I don't have any more brain power to think about it anymore.

I don't know how long it takes to get here from Japan but it sure takes a long time. I called him yesterday and it's the afternoon the next day.

The more time that goes by the more anxious I am getting. Ugh why did I have to get into this situation. Not that I didn't what to get pregnant just not in this way.

I've been pacing back and forth in my room for the past hour waiting for the phone call.

He was supposed to call me to set a time to meet up which is what I'm most nervous for.

My phone started ringing makes the jump toward it in a hurry.

" Hello?" I answer into the phone.

" Hey Naomi. Can I come over later?" Asks Alexa.

" Oh yea, sure." I answer back a little disappointed that it wasn't who I thought it was.

" What's with that response? I must be getting annoying huh?" She says into the phone.

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