Chapter 6

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When I made it to my hotel room I instantly went to sleep since I didn't sleep while on the plane or before leaving.

Hopefully I'm not taking too long to contact Naomi. She seems to be quite hard working.

It's about 11 pm and I don't know if I should call her right now. Is she even awake right now?

I'm just going to call her. The phone rang for a while before she answered.

" Hello?"

" Hey it's Loc. I hope I haven't called you too late." I say into the phone.

" Oh no it's fine I was just in the bath so it took a while to answer." She says.

" Okay. I was just calling to set a time to meet up." I say keeping my voice in my usual business tone so she couldn't tell how happy I was to be on the phone with her.

" Um tomorrow is fine before 4:00pm. After 4 I'm a little busy." She says. I wonder what she is doing then.

" If you don't mind me asking. What do you have to do at 4:00?" I ask.

" I have to work at a café." She hesitates to answer. She's still working?

" From now on you don't have to work anymore. I will take care of everything." I say.

" I'm fine. I can still work just fine. I still have a few weeks I can work." She responds.

" We will talk about this tomorrow. Right now you need to get some sleep. I will text you the time and address." I say before hanging up not giving her a chance to say anything.

Hopefully I can convince her to come back to Japan with me. I need to keep her and the baby close to me. Maybe even then I can get her to start to fall for me and we can become something more.

If I can get her to come with me I can introduce her to my family, but definitely after she has given birth. She needs no stress right now.

I get out my laptop and start working on the things I'm already behind on.

Naomi POV

Well that just made me mad. Does he think I don't know how to take care of myself? Just because it's his baby too doesn't mean he has control over me. I can work whenever I want it's my body.

I'm just going to sleep it off. I get dressed and get ready for bed. I put on some soothing music to help me go to sleep and get me totally prepared to meet this douche once more.

This morning I seen the text on where to meet up with Mr. Hasegawa which just so happen to be the restaurant next to the café.

I actually had time to cook myself some breakfast and take my time picking out what I wanted to wear.

Not working so much might be my new hobby. Just sitting around the house doing nothing all day.

I wear some loose clothing and put on some slides and make my way out the door.

I think now that I know I'm pregnant I can feel the symptoms of being pregnant. Maybe it's just me.

It's about 8 something and we are supposed to meet at 9 so I'm just taking my time to get to the restaurant.

This time I can enjoy my surroundings instead of always rushing around to get somewhere.

When I made it, it was 5 minutes past 9. I went into the restaurant which is a modern fancy restaurant.

I seen where Mr. Hasegawa was sitting and went to sit in the seat in front of him.

" Mr. Hasegawa." I say acknowledging him.

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