Chapter 9

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Naomi POV

When we got off the plane Loc immediately disappeared. He had left me with his secretary so that we could " Safely leave the airport without getting spotted by the paparazzi".  I have to admit I am excited to be in a new place because it's like I'm on vacation, but in reality I know that this is not a vacation where I can just sit down and enjoy myself.

While I was walking to get my bags I was trying to look at all my surroundings to familiarize myself in the new environment.  There were a lot a things I didn't understand. I'm definitely going to teach myself how to read and speak Japanese. That's the least I could do being in Japan.

When we got my bags, the secretary led me outside to a sleek black car. It didn't seem like it was too crowded in the airport. Maybe Loc was over exaggerating with the paparazzi thing.

After getting our bags we headed to the car. After about 20 minutes of waiting Loc joined us in the car. 

We've been driving for about 15 minutes due to traffic, and let me tell you, I don't mind because of all the things I'm seeing. It's amazing.

I really do think I could get used to this sight, but I'm not going to let my guard down because if all else fails, I'll be leaving this place behind and going back home.

" Are you okay? Do you feel jet lagged? Or maybe queasy?" Loc asks.

" I'm fine right now. Maybe just a tiny bit jet lagged, but I'm okay." I say. Please do not ask anymore questions before I get annoyed.

After driving for a few more minutes and sight seeing we finally made it to our destination. It seemed like a large building of expensive apartments.

Of course I shouldn't of had expected anything less. Sometimes I forget that he is a famous million or billionaire, whatever he is.

Loc made me put on a mask and hat so that if we do get caught on our way into the building the "paparazzi" won't know that it's me.

Personally I think he's really over exaggerating it. Like who really wants to take pictures of someone secretly and make fake news about it. Let me take that back, I'm pretty sure plenty of people would actually like doing that. Weirdos.

This time Loc leaves first leaving me with the secretary. After again another long time I head into the building with my face down.

If I would have known I was going to go through this I probably wouldn't of had agreed to come. This is just too much of a hassle, but we're almost there so might as well.

Turns out the Loc stay's on the top floor. Meaning he lives in the freaking penthouse. Not that I'm complaining, but dang that's a lot to take in.

As we make our way into the building the secretary directs us to an elevator off to the side.

Before we even got on he had to put in a password. I didn't look of course. Although I wanted to just in case I wanted to leave and come back.

It took us a good 3 long minutes to make it to the top where the elevator opened straight into the penthouse. I wish this was built in for every building in the world.

The secretary doesn't make a move the leave the elevator but instead ushers me to go inside.

I walk out of the  where there are two doors. One most likely being a door to a staircase.

I walk up to the door and was about to knock but the door opened before I could.

" I'll show you your room in a bit, but for now let's get you some food." He says pulling me in.

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