chapter 3

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'ghost king' changed 'shoelace new number' to 'old man'.

Ghost king.

Old man
Why  is it that you only message at 2 in the morning?

Ghost king.
I message you when I wake up.

Old man.
So when do you go to sleep.

Ghost king.
When I feel like passing out ig.

Old man.
Thats not healthy.
You gotta go to sleep at night and wake up at the morning.

Ghost king.
Oh puh-lease.
You are still awake.
Also, whats so special about the morning?

Old man
The sun is up in the morning.

Ghost king.
So what do you want me to do?

Old man.
If you are a fucking daisy you should.

Ghost king.
What's telling you that I'm not a daisy.

Old man.
The fact that a daisy doesn't buy happy meals at two in the morning, or annoy the living hell out of people.

Ghost king.
Makes sense.
¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯

Old man.
Speaking about you being a daisy,
Why can't I hack into your phone?

Ghost king.
Thats shady af old man.
And to answer your question, one of my
Friends are quite good with this technology stuff.

Old man.
He is?
But it's almost impossible to keep me away..

Ghost king.
Well, I ate an apple a day to keep the doctor away, but guess what he is till here.

Old man.
Who are you talking about?

Ghost king.
Who are you talking about?

Old man.

Ghost king.
What I mean is that.
You have no idea what's possible,old man.

Old man.

Ghost king.
I know
I'm pretty wisdomous.

Old man.

Ghost king.
K bye.
I got school tomorrow.

Old man
But u told me you don't go to school.

Ghost king
I just wanted an excuse to go.
Don't think too much, old man.
Or your dinosaur brain might reach its expiry date.

Old man.

So hey!! I don't really have much to say except that I won't be updating everyday, but will be at least once a week. And also, 15 views may not be a big deal to others, but it is to me. So to every single person reading this, I live you so so much and you are needed and valued .
You be looking so fine.

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