chapter 6

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Tony was texting ghost kid. Or so he thought.
Spoiler alert: it was actually Leo and Percy. And maybe camp half blood is not aware about the existence of therapy, but they did know that Percy and Leo together can only mean one thing : trouble.

Old man.
Hey kiddo.
You awake?

Ghost king.
Well, now I am..

Old man.
Who are you?
What did you do to ghost king?

Ghost king.

Old man.
You are not ghost king.
Because ,
Firstly: he doesn't wake up this early, I mean it's only 9..
Secondly : he always corrects me when I call him some variation of the word 'kid'
So spill..
Who are you?

Ghost king.
For an old man you do type fast.
I'm ghost king's friend.

Old man.
Are you his boyfriend.
He said something about a shoelace?

Ghost kid.
No, I'm not his bf.
You can call me bad boy supreme.

Old man.
Absolutely not.

Ghost kid.
Whatever, I don't care,dinosaur.

Old man.
What's with you guys and the nicknames?
I mean I'm usually a fan of them.
But not when they are directed at me.

Ghost king

Old man.
What is your actual Nickname?

Ghost king
My actual Nickname is repair boy.
But I prefer mcshizzle or bad boy supreme.

Old man.
Repair boi is much better.

Ghost king.
ಠ ೧ ಠ

Old man.
Oh my god.
Are you the repair boi?

Ghost king.
It depends on what I did.

Old man.
Did you create the fire wall?
On ghost king's phone.

Ghost king.
Ye I did
I'm smart like that.

Old man.
U really made that alone?

Ghost king.

Old man.
I consider myself an engineer.
A pretty good one too if I say so myself.

Ghost king
Not as good as me tho .

Tony snorted at that. He was eating breakfast with the avengers. To say that they were intrigued would be an understatement.

Old man.
I highly doubt that.
Can I talk to you, like you,you.
In your phone.

Ghost king.
Yeah sure.
I'll message you later.
Ghost king is back.

Oh.. a late update.. and a short one too.. I wonder what happened.
In all seriousness, it's exam week and I'm light as a feather. (Note the sarcasm). And so, I should warn you maybe I won't update for a week or so, but I'll try my best, cuz I enjoy writing this, and also love you all, and don't want to make you wait for long.
Anyways thanks for reading and see you next ,uh, week? Idk.
Vote and comment please!

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