chapter 17

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    "Are you sure you want to do this, Percy?" Annabeth said, "we can go together if you want"
   "Nah" percy replied, "it's just for a while, we'll be okay" Percy wasn't sure who he was convincing - annabeth or himself.
   Ever since the pit, Percy and annabeth had a hard time being separated from each other. But that was a while ago, and it was time to get over that fear.
    "See you in a minute, wise girl" he said, getting into the taxi.

   The 'mission' chiron gave them was easy enough - get the Demi gods to camp. But things are never easy for Percy Jackson, because it turns out, he did not have a good morning.
   First of all, unsurprisingly, Percy was a complete mess without annabeth. He lost his way a couple of times and wandered around a lot, before he found the place the Demi god was supposed to be.
    The demigod - his name was justin- was,well, not what Percy was expecting. The kid was rich, and looked like someone that was socially acceptable, which was not something most demigods looked like.
   But what surprised him the most was that Justin was a lot older than Percy thought he would be. Most demigods are 12 when they first arrive at camp, but this dude looked like he was atleast 14 years old.
   Or Percy was just seriously dehydrated.(which would explain the web slinging red person he saw on his way)
   After explaining everything to him and watched as he had an identity crisis, Percy sent him to camp in a safe transport.
   And then an old friend decided to visit - his favourite cheerleader, Kelli.
    "Hey,kelli. its been a while" said Percy reaching for Riptide.
   "You will die today, Perseus jackson, and your corpse will rot in tartarus forever" Kelli snarled, slashing at him.
   "Good day to you too" Percy said, dodging her by the inch.
He tried stabbing with Riptide, but missed.
   "I really like your rotting in tartarus idea, but I think I'll settle for a coffe."
   As Percy advanced on the empousa, Kellie realised she was not gonna win this fight,and she shrieked. Her inhumanly loud shriek attracted a few cops.       "weapon on the ground, and hands on your head, young man" one of them said,and then turned to Kellie, "don't worry miss, you are safe now"
      "Thank you officer" Kellie said in a teary voice and offered a nervous smile to the police.
She threw one last vicious look at Percy before walking away.
    "This is all a big misunderstanding, I was not hurting her" Percy tried "just let me explain"
    "You'll get the time to explain everything later," one of the officers said, putting a handcuff on his hands.
   "Hey officer, whats wrong?" Someone called from the other side of the road, walking upto them.
    One of the officers took a step forward and said,

A/N: yay new chapter! How are you all doing? I know that all my chapters are short and it takes like forever for me to update, but bear with me, cuz I'm doing the best I can. And to all the people who still read/are reading this, thank you for patiently sticking with me. It's means a lot. Anyways hope you all liked the chapter, Feel free to point out mistakes! And don't forget to drink some water and take care of yourself. Bye <3

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