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Annabeth's pov
Annabeth is fine. Everything is fine. That was what annabeth told herself as she took the subway to stark industries.
She didn't want to jinx the peace, but she couldn't help herself. Everything at camp was perfect, she got the internship, Estelle (that was what they decided to name the baby) would be here soon.
She showed her email to the lady at the front desk, who pointed her to the elevator. As the elevator ascended, she thought about everything she knew about the stark industries- which was not a lot.
This was part of the reason why annabeth was very surprised when Mr.stark told her she was in. To be completely honest, she was really winging the the interview. She didn't even know much about stark or his company.
But, from the information she gathered by searching 'stark industries' on Google last night, she knew that Tony stark was the owner of the company, who is a millionaire and also iron man. The company used to sell weapons at the beginning, but after being Kidnapped and knowing the "horrors of war" or whatever, Tony turned around his whole company.
Before she could think about it more, the elevator opened to Tony Stark and a lady.
The lady smiled politely,and as she stepped out of the elevator, Tony said, "annabeth, you're here!"
"Good morning, Mr.stark"
"Annabeth, meet pepper Potts. Im sure you know all about her"
Annabeth grinned as she shook Miss pott's hand. "It's an honour to finally meet you. I admire everything you do in the company, and I have to say, I've always wanted to be like you."
Annabeth didn't have the faintest idea who pepper was or what she did. But pepper smiled, pleased.
Tony clapped his hands, and said, "hey,I'm your boss here. Pay attention to me."
Annabeth just grinned.
"Come on, we got work to do" said Tony, guiding annabeth to the workshop.

~time skip~

Nobody's pov ig
At around 8 in the evening, all the avengers somehow ended up in the Tony's lab.
All of them, except Tony and Peter, was scrolling on their phone, when Tony broke the silence by saying, "I had lunch with a kid on Friday"
Everyone just stared at Tony to continue, but when he just sipping his coffe, Natasha sighed and asked, "why were you having lunch with a kid,Tony?"
"See, i was on a walk and I saw this kid getting arrested for assault on another girl. But that wasn't what really happened. So I told the officers that I'd take care of it. And he looked near-dead so I brought him here."
"what do you think actually happened?"
"What I saw was the boy fighting a vampire lady with a sword that came out of his pen" said Tony, and Clint choked on his candy.
"Yow saw him fighting a what, with a what?" Bruce asked, confused.
"I swear, I saw him taking out his pen, and it turned into a sword. And the other person had very long nails and tried to attack the boy"
Peter reached accross the table and slowly pried the cup of coffe out of Tony's hands. "That's enough coffe for you, young man" said Peter.
"It was not because of the coffee,okay?" Tony said, exasperated. "I asked about it and the boy just denied it"
"Maybe because you are delusional and the sword doesn't exist?" Steve suggested.
"Anyway, what's his name?" Asked Natasha.
"Percy Jackson,or something"
Upon hearing this,Peter made an almost in-human strangled sound. "You had lunch with Percy Jackson?"
"Yeah" Tony said "why, pete? Do you know him?"
"Know him? He is an internet legend" said Peter. "He does these phenomenal things like gun fight a kidnapper, and gets away with it."
"One moment someone sees him somewhere, and the next moment he is a hundred miles away." Peter continued "some people even thinks that he is an undercover agent or something. A few theorized that he is spiderman, but obviously he is not"
"Gun-fight a kidnapper?" Said Tony, massaging his head.
"Yeah, I can't believe you met him. I want to meet him too." Peter said,pouting "people say he has great looking hair."
"What was even weirder was that, he saw Spider-Man in the city and didn't know who he was. How can you not know who Spider-Man is?"
"He saw me?" Peter asked, "Percy Jackson saw me. This is the best day of my life."
"Teenagers are weird" bucky muttered under his breath.
"I aim to please, Mr.barnes" Peter said happily.
"How did he even hear me?" Bucky whispered to Sam.
"I have super hearing, along with super strength, and a sixth sense" said Peter.
Bucky actually looked scared now "he is too powerful" he whispered again to Sam, even more quietly.
"You are right, that kid is a problems"
Steve interrupted by saying "back to topic,people" he said "let's search him up"
"Friday, search for Percy Jackson"
A projection of a news article popped up in front of Tony, and after reading it, Bruce said, "Tony I think you had lunch with a suspected terrorist"
"He's probably in SHIELD's wanted list too" said Natasha
"Oh shit" Tony groaned "Fury is not gonna be pleased, is he?"

A/n : hello everyone :) i hope y'all are doing okay, and if you're not, then I hope this chapter put a smile on your face.Feel free to point out all the mistakes. Stay hydrated <3

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