10. The Save

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The Prince was right...
I don't know where I'm going.

The thought lingers in my head as I slowly reduce my fast walking to a slow wander, suddenly realizing I've gone almost halfway around the huge castle.
I had passed the gardens without noticing and now...I'm at a huge fountain with a statue of a sunflower in the middle.
And as much as the night is charming, with the moonlight glistening on the water and the stars blanketing the sky....I can't stop crying.
As the events of the past hour come rushing back to me, my eyes flood with tears again and I sit at the edge of the fountain, bury my face in my hands and let the tears out.

How could he even do this to me?
Like it's not humiliating enough that I'm the only person that isn't royalty by blood, he had to make me feel pitied and mediocre!

Tears keep pouring out my eyes and down my face and as much as I keep wiping, they don't stop.
So I sit there....crying...until I can't think of a reason to cry anymore.
Until I lose track of time...
Until I get carried away listening to the music from the ball and counting the fireflies as they pass me.

Some ball this is...
I can't believe I used to fantasize about the idea of going on a Royal ball....

I turn to the building and from where I'm sitting, I can see right through a window in the ballroom. I stand up slowly now as I watch the couples sweep across the dance floor, moving in rhythm to the beautiful music.
And then I suddenly catch sight of the Prince's blue suit as he moves across the dance floor, leading Princess Dana in swift, expert moves as they waltz in unison, closer and closer to my window.
And the closer they get, the more I can see the Prince's face....a face that's not scowling in anger or furrowed in impatience.
No this face is relaxed, and pleased even.

My shoulders drop.
I'm going to marry someone that can't even smile around me...

The dance comes to an end and I watch them bow to each other before the Princess leaves. And Prince Alexander shoves his hands in his pockets as he stares around the room nervously.
I scoff.
I guess my absence is ruining the pretend picture he presented of us....

"Prince Alexander! Always a pleasure to see you." A chubby, average height man says as he walks up to the Prince.

"Sir William." He replies with a nod.

"That was quite a dance, if I might add! I always said you and the Princess would make such a lovely couple." The man says with a chuckle and I watch as the Prince just smiles.
A couple?

"It was just one dance, Sir William."

"One you're still yet to have with your little....uh...company." He says and chuckles again.

"You mean Melissa?" The Prince asks flatly.

"Why yes, of course. Where is she? I'd like to see how many of my questions she can't answer again." He says and bursts into laughter, bending backwards a bit as he guffaws and my lip quivers.

They do see me as an illiterate.

"That's going to be my wife." The Prince says sharply and Sir William immediately stops laughing just as I turn to the Prince in shock, watching him as he glares at Sir William.
"I suggest you watch your tongue, Sir William. Before I ask my men to cut it off." He adds and I blink in shock.

Did he just defend me?
Or was that just him being the person he always is....

"My sincerest apologies." Sir William says and I watch, amazed as he walks away in shame and the Prince doesn't stop glaring at him.


I watch Sir William walk away and all I can think of is how I never should have come for this ball.
What idiot makes a joke like that?

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