The Cottage. 19.

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"STEFAN!" I yell again, rushing towards the gate but Prince Alexander is already beyond sight and the guards shut the gate close before I can get to it.

"Open it!" I say, turning to them.

"Sorry, Your Highness. But The Prince instructed--"

"I said open it! He could die out there!"

"But he asked not to be followed--"

"I don't care! I am NOT letting him track a killer by myself! There could be more of them out there, luring him into a trap!" I say, marching to his face as my impatience builds to anger.

"Now open the gate!"

"Yes, Your Highness." The guard says and gestures to others to open the gate. The second the gate is open, I rush out, running towards the direction I saw his horse go, still carrying my gown in my hands.

I run along the path for a while, following as it leads me into the empty market place and the village which is almost completely deserted due to the engagement ball.

But he's nowhere to be seen.

Neither him nor his horse....

"Stefan?" I call out, half frightened that the killer will find me first and half worried that they've already gotten to Prince Alexander. But the place remains empty and I don't see a sign of anyone being around, so I run along, heading farther and farther away from the castle, all the while calling out his name in hushed whispers and searching around for either him or his horse...injured or not.

"Stefan?" I call out a little louder with tears welling up in my throat as I pass the cottages in the village and near the field.

Where is he?

I rush towards the field, ready to call his name again when I finally spot his horse, and before I can react, I hear a loud and pained grunt as someone is shoved to the floor, causing me to gasp as I stand frozen, scared of moving.

"WHO?" Prince Alexander yells, walking into view as he points his sword at the stranger who is already beaten and bruised beyond recognition. The man tries crawling away in fear but Prince Alexander picks him up and shoves him against a tree while I watch in shock, amazed at the murderous rage in his eyes.

"WHO SENT YOU?!" He demands, raising his sword dangerously close to the man's neck.

"Tell me who he is!!!" he yells, pressing the sword against the man's neck to the point that it draws blood.

"Stefan, no!" I yell, unable to hold myself but Prince Alexander doesn't even glance at me.

"I'd.... rather..... die." The man chokes out and Prince Alexander doesn't withdraw his sword as he glares flames at the killer.

"That can be arranged." He replies and this time I walk closer to him,

"Please, Stefan. Please, don't kill him. You don't have to do this." I plead but it doesn't remove the rage in his eyes.

"Melissa, stay out of this!"

"This is not the right thing and you know it. We could take him as our prisoner."

"What prisoner?!" he yells, turning to me in anger, "The one that would rather kill himself than say the truth?! No, I'm done with that. You hear me?" he says, turning back to the man,

"Your sender doesn't get that luxury anymore. He sends you to my kingdom, to my castle to take a life, he's going to get a life alright."

"Stefan, please! Please don't do this." I plead, terrified of his next move as I walk even closer.

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