Positive and Negative effects. 13

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"She's okay. Don't worry." I say to Melissa and I feel her go limp in my hands. Panic floods me instantly and I start running towards the physician's place, blood trailing behind me.

Is that why she is unconscious?

Has she lost too much blood?

Am I too late?

Why the hell didn't I get there sooner? How could I have possibly not heard her screaming on time?

The questions pile in my head, my paranoia rising dangerously as panic consumes me. I finally get to the door and I bang on it.

"FREDERICK!" I yell, calling out the physician and the door opens instantly.

"Your Majes--"

"You have to help her, there's no time. She's already lost a lot of blood." I say, pushing past him into the room and towards a bed where I lay Melissa.

Frederick immediately rushes to his table and gathers some things while I listen for a heartbeat. It's there alright, thudding in pace and I let out a breath of relief just as Frederick starts attending to her.

"She's lost blood but she'll be fine. My guess is she's unconscious due to the shock of whatever just happened and exhausted from the fight."

"How can you tell there was a fight?" I ask, turning to him and he gestures towards Melissa's face as he dries up the blood.

"Well of course, there is the blood on her forehead." He begins, then continues, "Also, see how her face is slightly blue? She was being suffocated, but she must have fought him off considering she's still breathing. Plus she has flesh under her nails from scratching whoever this person was. And the dagger cuts on her fingers? I believe she was trying to stop someone from stabbing her." He stays and I stare at Melissa, amazed.

She fought off a killer twice? She's stronger than I ever imagined...

If only I had gotten there earlier, she wouldn't have had to go through this. But I had been so carried away thinking about the little boy whose finger I asked for.

It was years ago and not something I'm proud of now and it definitely isn't something I was proud of then... I was already in a bad mood and I was stolen from in public and I just wanted to send a message. And judging by things, they did get the message...the thing is they just won't forget it.

And I was caught up thinking of how to change things that I ignored the first time I heard my name. It was so faint and so far away that I was convinced I had imagined it, so I kept roaming the castle, restless. Then I had heard it again and this time two things were certain; It was real and it was Melissa. I raced to her chambers then, alarming the guards as I did and they followed me. And when we got to her door, her guards were on the floor, unconscious... and then she had screamed my name one last time.

A name no one ever called me...

That's when I knew it was a life and death situation.

"You don't have to worry your Majesty. She will be awake and fine tomorrow." The physician says, drawing me back to the present and I look away from Melissa's peaceful face to turn to him.

"The only thing is," he continues, "she won't be able to do anything with her hands for a while, these cuts need time to heal well, especially so they don't get infected." He says and I nod, looking back at her.

"Understood. Just keep doing whatever is needed to take care of her," I say, already walking out of the room, "And don't let anyone in until I get back."

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