chapter 26.

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TW: Mentions of rape/ sexual assault and violence flash forward:

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TW: Mentions of rape/ sexual assault and violence
flash forward:

It didn't take long for me to find out who Audrey's rapist was and who his sick friends were.

It was public information and the case was already online. The only thing that was kept a secret was Audrey's name.

With one click of a button I had it sent to a pair twisted arsonist who took joy in setting people on fire.

"Hey!" They greeted me as we stood outside the hotel they were staying at. Alex and Alessa were the only ones who I told this about which is why they were here alone.

"Hey!"I squeezed them tightly, breathing them in as we hugged.

"How are you?" Alessa groans as we pull away.
"You look amazing as usual." Her arm slid down my arm before it collapsed next beside her.

"I'm doing better, doing group therapy." They nod their heads as I speak."That's great Ash." Alex smiles genuinely as we walk into their hotel.

"Yea." I sigh as the cool air hits me when we walk through the automatic doors." How is that? Is it helping you move past what happened?" Alessa asked brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah actually." I answer truthfully." I haven't spoken about it with the group yet but i'm getting there." They nodded as they swiped their card in front of the reader. An elevator came down a few seconds later and we entered it.

"How—" I look down at my sneakers."How is he?" I finally find the courage to look up at them. They both sported soft smiles as they stared at me. "He misses you," Alex stated softly.

"We all miss you, Ash."

"Yeah," Alessa chimes in." It's not the same without you, you know." I couldn't fight the tears that streamed down my face. They immediately pushed themselves off of the elevator walls and wrapped their arms around me.

"It's okay, Ash."Alex whispers." He understands why you had to leave. We all do, and we support whatever decision you make. Whether you want to stay out here or go back home eventually, we understand."

I wanted to go back. I had to go back.

Just not right now.

"I'll be back." I say as they help dry my tears.
"I just think that this time apart will be good for us to figure out our separate issues and for us to heal." They nod as the elevator doors open up and lead us into their apartment suite.

We walked into the living room and I was met with all of their equipment. Three black outfits were laid out along with an array of weapons.

"Holy mac and cheese balls." I mumbled as I took in the sight in front of me. I felt a rush go through me as I walked towards the table. Not going to lie, I kind of missed this.

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