Internships and what breathing?

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Now on Boboiboy Academia

3rd person POV:

After Boboiboy got his memories back, everyone was relieved and went on back home. Obviously everyone was tired from the sports festival but mostly Boboiboy and Yaya are the most tired due to the fact they fought of Vargoba and literally killed him by sending him into space.

Next day....

"Good morning problem children..." said Aizawa. "Good morning" the class replied. "Today you will have select for an internship for the week" Aizawa added. After that, everyone went onto find a internship for the week. "Hey Midoriya, what are you going to choose?" Asked Boboiboy. "Oh hey Boboiboy, I was talking to All Might just now and he recommended me to take part in this internship. I don't know what is it but might as well give it a try." Midoriya explained.

"Well if All Might recommended it then I'm sure it's a good thing" said Boboiboy. "What about you?" Asked Midoriya. "Well...there's this place called the MechAmato agency. I don't know why but the name is very familiar to me. So me and Yaya discussed about it and we decided to check it out" said Boboiboy. "Alright then. See you later" said Midoriya as he left.

Everyone left and went to their internship agencies. Boboiboy and Yaya have already reached the MechAmato agency and once they have entered the agency, they were greeted by a familiar person. "Hello! Welcome to the MechAmato agency. I am the armoured hero: MechAmato! And who might you two be?" Asked the armoured hero. "Oh my name is Yaya and this my boyfriend, Boboiboy" said Yaya. "Dad?" Asked Boboiboy "Boboiboy? Son?" Asked Amato. "DAD?!" Yaya was shocked and confused. Boboiboy went on and hug his father that he hasn't seen for a very long time. Boboiboy noticed Yaya's confusion and starts to explain to his dad. "Dad this is Yaya, my girlfriend." Boboiboy explained. "Girlfriend?! My son is all grown up!" His dad said while crying. The couple sweat dropped when looking at the armoured hero crying.

A few minutes later after crying.....

"Sorry about that you two. But since you two are here for your internships....let's get to know more about your 'quirks'" said MechAmato. "Well if you have seen the sports festival, dad, my 'quirk' is elemental manipulation which allows me to manipulate 7 elements." Said Boboiboy "and my 'quirk' is gravity manipulation" said Yaya. "They all sound like very strong quirks. But do you know that there is a way to make it even stronger?" Asked Dad. "How?" The couple asked. "It's all in this book" said Dad as he gave Boboiboy the book.

"Total concentration breathing?" Asked Boboiboy. "What is total concentration breathing?" Asked Yaya. "Total Concentration Breathing refers to concentrated breathing patterns which increases the users' lung capacity and amount of oxygen in the bloodstream. This enhances their physical abilities and mental concentration so that they can fight on par with demons more powerful than the average human" said Dad. "Sounds interesting....and painful" said Boboiboy. "It is going to be painful at first but with some training, you'll be able to master it in no time" said Dad. "ALRIGHT LET'S DO IT! MECHABOT, TRAING MONTAGE TIME!" Dad continue. "Yes Sir" Dad's armour, Mechabot, replied.

Insert whatever montage music you want

So after explaining how Total Concentrating Breathing works, Boboiboy and Yaya went on to start training with it. At first, it was painful and it was really difficult to breathe since they had tro do it constantly while doing other stuff. But overtime they would able to use it well enough but not master it fully yet. They would try to use Total Concentration Breathing with their attacks but sadly they were not being able to get used to it yet however overtime during the 3 days of the 1 week internship, they would improve on it.

Time skip

"Alright Son and Daughter-in-law, pack your bags because we are going to Hosu." said Dad "Why?" asked Yaya. "Why not?!" dad replied. Boboiboy just deadpanned his father when he gave them a stupid answer. By the time they got on the plane, they were just relaxing not expecting anything bad to happen. "Dad, I want to ask, why did you not come back and moved to this world?" asked Boboiboy. "Well, son, to be honest I really wanted to come back, but I have been tasked to find some power spheres that have been teleported into this world." Dad explained. "So how long do you have to stay here?" asked Boboiboy. "I do not know how long but I hope I will get go back home soon and spent time with you and Tok Aba." Dad replied.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance that can be seen outside the plane. Everyone is freaking out. Outside the plane, it can be seen that there are these creatures roaming around called Nomus. (Most of you guys should know what are they. if you don't then google them.) "Dad what are those things?" asked Boboiboy "If my memory serve correctly and what the other heroes have told me, they are called 'Nomus' and it turns out that their weakness is the head. So go for the head" said Dad as he opened up the plane emergency door and jumped off the plane. Boboiboy changed into his cyclone element and he and Yaya flew out of the plane and follow MechAmato.

When the couple landed, they already saw MechAmato fighting the Nomus. "The two of you! Come on. Permission granted to use your quirks in public! Now let's get crush these creatures!" Yelled MechAmato. "YES SIR!" The couple yelled. "Boboiboy Thunderstorm!" Boboiboy turned into his thunderstorm element. "Thunder Slash!" He attacked those Nomus with his thunder slash and instantly kills them. However there were too many for Boboiboy to handle and his was surrounded by all of those creatures. "BOBOIBOY! Total concentration....Gravity Breathing....Gravity Dance!"  Yaya went onto save Boboiboy with her Gravity Dance which is a move that makes the user move in a dance formation and attacks the enemies with a barrage of gravity punches while dancing.

Boboiboy was in awe when he saw Yaya, his girlfriend did a attack like that just to save him. "Thanks Yaya, I owe you one" said Boboiboy. "You don't owe me anything. I just couldn't bare to see you, my boyfriend get hurt." Yaya replied. All of a sudden Boboiboy and Yaya got a message from Midoriya in the class group chat. It turns out he sent a location which is actually near them.

"Midoriya must be near. I'm gonna go help him. Yaya you stay here and help dad ok?" Asked Boboiboy. "Alright but you be careful ok. If you get seriously hurt, you'll be getting it from me ok?" Yaya answered with a scary tone. "Alright yes I promise Yaya. See you later." Said Boboiboy as he went onto find Midoriya's location.

"Don't worry Midoriya. I'm coming!"

To be continued......

Hey guys Long time no see! Sorry that I haven't been updating but I've been really busy and sick but I'm back and feeling better right now. So guys what do you think of this chapter. I hope you like it and don't forget to follow me, vote and comment this story. Alright see you on the next chapter!


Boboiboy Academia ( A Boboiboy and Boku No Hero Academia Crossover)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now