Chapter 4

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Once the whole family was home Edward told everyone that he was going to stay with our cousins in Alaska for a week, a break from the small town was well needed for him. So as his slick car pulled out of the driveway I felt a pang of sadness fill my heart. I unlinked from Alice's powers and back to my original power.

Walking into the house I could hear everyone else coming in the front door, I took my beautiful wife by the hand and lead her up to the painting room in silence. I sat her down on the chair that was positioned perfectly into the sun, so that the light highlighted every angle of her euphoric face.

I straddled her hips and gave her a soft kiss, her hands wrapped around my hips. Once we pulled away she finally spoke, "Are you okay, Elizabeth?" I looked deep into her amber eyes which were full of concern, I sent her a short nod and kissed her softly again. "I am just fine, my darling" I climbed off her lap and walked over to the stool and sat in front of my canvas.

Before I could begin to sketch the outline of her face she sped over to the record player and began to play songs from my "childhood". 'It's been a long, long time' the low buzz of music filled the room with no other sound except the sound of my pencil gliding across to canvas. I could feel Alice's happiness radiating off of her and the calmness of the whole room, which caused a small smile to spread itself across my features.

Once I finished the sketch I walked over to the drawers that held my paints and chose the water colour palette to use. I added the last bit of colour to her golden eyes. As she looked at me with a small smile. I set the brush down and looked at my work and then to the goddess in front of me still looking at me with a loving smile.

Wow, how did I get so lucky?

"You're beautiful you know that, right?" Her voice brought me out of my daze, I looked over at her and stood from the stools making my way over to her. I linked our hands and pulled her to her feet kissing her softly. "As are you."

I lead her outside to the beautiful forest behind our house and picked her up. As I spun around her soft giggles filled mg ears making my heart swell even more.

"Come on darling, let's go hunting."

A/N:I have such writers block. Ugh I think I'm going to skip the week that Edward isn't at school. Also if anyone has any ideas please comment them.<33

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