Chapter 5

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I flip my hair, turning my head towards my beautiful wife. I let out a sigh admiring how gorgeous she looks under the sunlight, striding over to her i put my hands on her hips. Rasing one hand up to her facec i wipe some blood from her chin with my finger and putting it into my mouth. I let out a sigh in content."Sweet" I hummed as i put my hand back onto her jaw and lift her petite face up to look at me. I pulled my mate into a soft kiss, pulling apart we inter-locked our hands and began the walk home.

...........................................................Time skip..............................................................

I groaned as Edward's human eyes watched us but the groan was scilenced when i saw his silver Volvo pull it the car park.

"Bloody Finally"

I hear Edward let out a unneeded sigh and roll his eyes. "Don't you have attitude with me, you know what we have had to put up with your human's staring all week."

"Oh Elizabeth get over yourself."

I raise an eyebrow at his comment but decide to not retort back as I feel the unease that Alice was filled with.

I spot the Human walking towards my family, holding my breath I take Alice's hand and we make our way into the school.

"She knows" I whisper into Alice's ear lightly. I get a nod in confirmation from my mate.

Bonjour, so I just read back and realised I did it in the wrong order but I'm too lazy to fix it so yeah désolé<3

Also sorry this is a small chapter I haven't updated in a while so I've kinda have no clue what I'm writing about lol.

Darling (Alice Cullen)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora