"I ran into an old friend..."

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"Damn bitch, you got lost?" my cousin asked as I was getting out of the car.

"Bitch why are you so loud?" I said while shushing her.
"Cause bitch we done smoked, and smoked some more waiting on yo ass" she responded.

"I ran into an old friend from highschool omw to the gas station." I said.

What Erica and Tamia, who was already back on her porch after Erica dropped her off 10 minutes ago didn't know, was that Tamia's younger sister Nima who was sitting at the bottom of her porch step heard Erica say that. Tamia's answer was the same when she was asked where she disappeared to. She noticed them both disappearing close to one another 2 times already and she saw Erica on the porch the other night, but never said anything and plus she wasn't completely sure what was going on between the two.

I was sitting in the passenger side of my cousin's car in front of the store waiting for my cousin, when Tamia walked past. The window was tinted so Tamia didn't see me. I rolled the window down and said "you cuteee" in an almost sing songy voice. Tamia turned around and said "Who the fu-" but before she could finish she saw me sitting there grinning.
"Its good to see you mean out here in these streets" I continued
"Always." Tamia responded.
"Why tf you aint text me back all day?" Tamia asked
"Cause I was outside. Hey Mon" I said.
"Hey, and how you know my name and my mommy?" He asked
I chuckled and said "I knew your mommy and all her sisters before you were even born lil man"
"Oh wowww. Do you wanna come to my house and see my cars?" Mon asked as he had one car driving it in a spiral in the air.
"Maybe next time lil man" I responded. Mon was 4 years old and so adorable. Tamia had him when she was 18, a year after graduating high-school.

When Mon got home, he told his Auntie Nimah that he met her & mommy's friend Erica. He also spilled the tea that Tamia asked Erica why she didn't text her back. "Bingo" Nima said as she had finally put 2 and 2 together. Tamia never mentioned to her sisters that she and Erica had been conversing, let alone texting each other. Nima who was 15 years old decided that she would start doing some digging of her own. If it was a sneaky link going on, it wouldn't be sneaky for long.

Sorry guys, but this will be a short chapter.

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