2. The promise

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Jennifer Montgomery's POV

I've always liked being a teacher, I've always liked helping others and literature is my biggest passion. Stories have always been a huge part of my life, I used books as an escape from reality, and as a symbol of hope that one day I might be the one that gets to live all what I've read in those stories.

When I moved this city, I thought it could be a fresh start from me, leave my homophobic family behind and cut all the toxic friendships that I had before I came out.

I always knew I wasn't straight, I thought I could be bisexual and that for my mom's sake I could have a boyfriend once in a while...but turns out I'm a raging lesbian. I'm not really complaining because, women.

My family and friends didn't take it pretty well, they didn't accept me at all. And I knew I couldn't live among people who were constantly trying to change me, so I left.

At first, I thought it was the best decision I have taken in years, I found this local gay bar where I could be myself and find hot dates; I had a nice apartment in a nice part of town, I was living from my savings until this amazing opportunity to work in a prestige High School came by.

That same night I met a woman, at least she looked like one, I am not a one-night stand type of girl. I'm a hopeless romantic with abandonment issues...and yes, I've gone to therapy. But this girl was different, I jumped right in when I first saw her.

Over one night I was already excited, we spend the night at my apartment, nothing happened but everything seemed to indicate that soon it would. But fate had other plans in mind, on the very next day I found out that she was one of my students...and that her ex was, in fact, another female teacher.

Funny situation, saying that I was freaking out was an understatement. But I am an empathetic person, or an idiot; but as soon as those coffee brown eyes found mine and asked me to not say anything about their relationship, I agreed.

Sofía, the student in question, was taking a break from Brianna, her ex who is an Algebra teacher in this very same school. For real I don't know if I can say that I'm an empathetic person or just a dumb one, anyways I offered Sofía my help and friendship.

I knew that she was in pain, it was evident, she was thinking that she wasn't enough for Brianna, and I only knew Sofía for one night, but I was already convinced that she was more than enough for anyone. I could never see myself involved in a relationship with a student, it was against everything I believed in, and I came to the conclusion that it was the same for Brianna. But she still risked it all for Sofía, and for a spilt second, I let myself imagine what my future with her would be, and I came to the conclusion that I'd risk it all for her too.

And I did. I confessed my feelings for her and she rejected me, so being the idiot that I am...I sent her to Brianna, the one who Sofía really loves. I encouraged her to fix things with her ex, who is a teacher, but not me.

And now here I am sitting in the teacher's lounge, another week and it's the same it has been since that day Sofía rejected me. Brianna always excusing herself to go to her classroom and Sofía arriving there later, they spend lunch together and then some time after the school ends.

I don't think their relationship is obvious to anyone else, but to me it is. It's like they are purposefully showing how in love they are just to make me more miserable. What kind of teacher falls for her student, and on top of that, gets rejected? Me, only me. Brianna is definitely not getting rejected.

As soon as I stole the coffee that I wanted from the teacher's lounge, I started walking towards the cafeteria, I haven't really gotten over the whole Sofía drama, yes, I'm happy for her...and miserable for me. So, the even though the other teachers had treated me really kindly, I liked to spend my free periods alone in the comfort of my own classroom.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now