15. Make me feel wanted

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Sofía's POV

I was currently wrapped up around Brianna, my arms holding onto her for dear life as she caressed my sides over and over again, trying to dissipate all my worries away. A week happened since Kate and I talked, a week since I haven't seen Nikki and Val because of it.

"I love you" Brianna said softly, peppering kissed all over my face.

Slowly I started smiling, my chest feeling lighter all because of Brianna's presence. After I told her everything that happened, she has never left my side, and even though we were being careful when we were in school, Brianna has never behaved more sweetly and caring than in these days.

"I love you too" I said kissing her, slowly and passionate.

A few seconds later we stopped, and I closed my eyes as the kiss ended and we rested our foreheads against each other, reveling on the feeling of being together.

"Do you want to stay with me for a few days?" Brianna asked, and my eyes opened wide, a tiny smile forming on my lips.

"You'll regret it later, especially when you want, but can't get me out, but yes...thank you so much!" I said hugging her with force that she reciprocated.

Since that talk with Kate, and the secret's that it undiscovered, I've felt...betrayed? The story that I used to hold on to for so many years resulted in a lie, Kate never loved me as I thought she did, the fairytale relationship that I thought we lived...was a fantasy, it never happened.

And deep down I knew Kate was right, that I didn't listen to her when I should have, she felt asphyxiated, and maybe, just maybe the ending of our story would have been different if I had listened to her.

"What are you thinking about?" Brianna asked, caressing my face with her thumbs, being extremely gentle with me. "You've been in here a lot" she pointed out, caressing now my head after signaling it with her hand.

"About everything, I guess" I said tiredly. "Things happen for a reason...and I get that, I wouldn't change anything from my past because all of it led me to you, and I love you" I said looking at her intensely.

"But it hurts" Brianna ended for me, and I nodded, hiding my face in the crock of her neck.

We stayed wrapped up in each other in silence, Brianna knew I was very hurt about this whole situation, she didn't force me to talk, but she never left me to be on my own either. I didn't even know what I wanted from her, but she was giving me it all, just in case I needed a tiny bit of everything.

"For what it's worth....I think she did love you, or loves you" Brianna said, earning a confused look from me. "She let you blame her for years about what happened between the two of you, in a weird way...she wanted to prevent you from suffering" Brianna ended.

I stood up slowly from her lap, I walked around the room and Brianna followed me with her eyes.

"But I deserved to know the truth" I said facing her.

"Didn't you know it?" Brianna asked, titling her head. "I'm one hundred percent on your side here and I'll always be...but...why you didn't listen to Kate? You really didn't notice that something was wrong?" Brianna asked, and I knew she was taking mental notes of my every move.

I sighed before answering, and I knew I already had the answer to Brianna's question, but I was so ashamed of saying it out loud.

"Val was right" I said, pausing to take a few steps towards her. "I liked Kate, a lot...and maybe I wanted her to like me back so much, that I blinded myself from the truth, which was that Kate didn't saw me that way...she wanted me as a sister, as her best friend...but not how I wanted her, not as her lover" I finally said, biting my lower lip and taking Brianna's hand for comfort.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن