9. Curiosity broke Kate's arm?

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Sofía's POV

I burst into Jen's classroom, making sure to show her that this wasn't going to be a friendly conversation. I guess that she kinda hates me now, because some other time she wouldn't have looked this angry, I think she would actually have stopped the fight from happening. But today she followed right behind me and slammed the door, she flinched a little when she did tho...

"Miss. von Emple - Castillo, you can't burst into my classroom like that, if you want detent-" Jen started, but I cut her off.

"Oh Miss. Castillo my ass" I said disgusted.

Jen looked at me surprised, with her mouth opening and closing, unable to form words.

"That was incredibly disrespectful and childish" she said crossing her arms.

"Kate is incredibly disrespectful and childish" I shot back with a whine, which indirectly made me be the childish here.

"There's literary no one in this world more childish than you" Jen said crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at me.

But uh, she was wrong. She hasn't met my 6 years old cousin, that boy is childish. But of course, I can't say that because for some strange reason everything that leaves my mouth sounds childish.

"Well, I might be childish" I said throwing my hands in the air. "But you are being incredibly foolish if you think that Kate is your friend" I said, empathizing the friend part. Oh G-d, I'm gonna kill Brianna for putting the image of Jen and Kate fucking in my mind.

Jen walked to me, her jaw clenched in anger. I stood my ground and lifted my chin up so I could seem taller, because those dam heels of her were leaving me in disadvantage. But Brianna looks so sexy in her teacher heels, so nothing against them, my folks.

"Sofía, I don't know why you are so mad, but I'm a grown-up woman...I can talk with another student that isn't you; I can comfort another student that isn't you, in other words, I can do whatever the hell I want" Jen said smiling angrily at me, brining me back to the conversation and whipping off the image of Brianna from my mind.

"But not with Kate! What- what where you two doing hugging like that huh?" I scoffed. "I know we aren't in great terms, and I respect that, but really? Getting all touchy with Kate, Kate...my ex-girlfriend who cheated on me and destroyed my life?" I asked dramatically, pacing around the room.

Jen scoffed and followed me around the room, raising her voice but still not enough for someone outside the classroom to hear us.

"She didn't ruin your life, I would dare to say that your life is great! Perfect! Marvelous! Ama-"

"Oh okay, so now I'm not a depressed mess of boogers and ice cream so that makes it all perfect! " I said cutting her off. "That woman cost me years of therapy, years...for real my therapy thought she should pay the bills"

"Okay first of all...I don't like your therapist; second, they're supposed to be on your side so I guess they are a good therapist and if you could give me their number, I would widely appreciate it...mental health it's important...but I don't like her...and you can't tell them that" Jen said reluctantly, somehow showing her anger but at the same time being incredibly polite. I nodded at her request and rapidly sent her the number of my old therapist.

After I gave Jen the number of my old therapist, she nodded and crossed her arms.

"Okay now that that is settled...Sofía your life is better than ever! Hers is falling apart and it has been falling apart from a while ago. If you don't want anything to do with her, that's okay, but you can't indirectly make everyone want to kill her" Jen explained, still exasperated and breathing heavily; in a moment forgetting all about the therapist thing.

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