6. What besties are for

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Kate's POV

I was walking rapidly towards Miss. Montgomery's classroom; I could feel myself getting angrier at every second and I couldn't have that happening right now.

Now I could easily punch any guy who wanted to act all though and try to bully me, I could easily send them to the hospital, I only needed someone to do as much as look at me with hatred.

Secrets are hard to carry, especially when you're carrying them for so long, and alone.

I entered Miss. Montgomery's classroom without knocking, and she looked at me wide eyed.

"Kate, I know that you think we are friends, but that doesn't give you the right to come into my classroom and-" she started, but then saw the state I was in.

She quickly came by my side to check if I was physically hurt, when she saw that I wasn't, she closed the door and stood in front of me.

"What happened?" She demanded to know.

I wanted to let all my anger out, just a few seconds ago I was looking for someone to punch, but then I saw Miss. Montgomery's face...I couldn't be an asshole to someone as nice as her. She is like a cartoon; I can't be mean to a cartoon.

"Would you...what-...what would-" I sighed frustrated. I couldn't find the words to tell her what was really happening, I've kept this secret for so long...closing myself off to people.

"Kate, breathe" she instructed me, looking at me intensely.

I did as she told me to, I breathed in and out with her at the same time. After a few minutes of repeating the motion, I calmed down.

Miss. Montgomery led me to sit, closer than where I would usually seat. She looked at me worriedly, yet expectantly, silently asking me to tell her everything that happened.

"I talked with Sofía, she basically told me that she hates me and wants me to stay away from her" I said shaking my head. "And I know what I did, but there's so much more that Sofía doesn't know...and I haven't told her because I don't want her to be more hurt" I ended, standing up harshly and sighing.

Miss. Montgomery let me pace around the classroom without saying anything, but I could feel her eyes on me at every step I took.

"You know Kate, secrets are hard to carry" she said after a few minutes. "You said you haven't told her this, secret, because you're protecting her, but what if you keeping more things for her is actually damaging your relationship more?" she asked quietly.

I sighed, internally cursing myself for having a teacher as a best friend, even though Miss. Montgomery is young, teachers are real adults, unlike me who just play pretend, and since they are real adults...they give advice like "face your fears", instead of "watch a new series, find a comfort character and get depressed" like people of my age would.

"Our whole relationship started because of a lie" I said quietly, not quite knowing why I was opening up like this to a teacher.

Miss. Montgomery was visibly surprised; she didn't say anything so I continued "How can I tell her that? I know that me cheating on her hurt her immensely because she cares...or cared about me, I can't go and tell her that the fairytale part of our relationship was also a lie" I ended as I went to sit next to Miss. Montgomery again.

I buried my head in my hands, now all the anger was gone and instead I was feeling an immense sadness and emptiness. I started to wonder if I did well by coming here, Sofía clearly didn't want me here, and honestly, I wasn't sure anymore if I was going to win her forgiveness someday.

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