9-Call me Marshall

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Above is a picture of her fit

A/N: in order to make up for the fact the I missed two days I did a double update this morning so I'm back on schedule. Now I'm continuing posting every night though I might post tomorrow afternoon instead night bc things are just getting a little chaotic since I'm on vacation.

It was now Sunday. The second week of school had gone by so slowly. It was 11 am and I just woke up. I was scrolling on Tik Tok laying in my bed with the lights still off. My phone gets a notification.

pretty boy 🥵❤️‍🔥💞: wanna hang today?

He had added the emojis. It was a compromise. My name on his phone was "sunflower 🌻 who graffiti's dicks in public places" also a compromise.

Me: I just fucking woke up.

pretty boy 🥵❤️‍🔥💞: ofc you aren't a morning person could've guessed that

Me: Fuck off

Me: I will get out of bed now just for u

pretty boy:🥵❤️‍🔥💞: proud

Me: you should be.

I groan but get out of my bed. Kind of. The only way for me to force myself out of bed is by rolling onto the ground. The impact of hitting the floor usually wakes me up.

I flinch as I smash into floor but it does it's job and wakes me up.

Sleepwalking into the bathroom I wash my face and braid my hair into two dutch braids. I brush my teeth while listening to music. I put on Kiss my by little mix.

"WHY YOU ONLY WAAAANT ME WHEN IM WALKING AWAY!" I sing while using my hairbrush as a microphone. Dancing in front of the mirror I start thinking of what I could wear today. I don't know what we're doing so I can't choose yet.

I sing while walking back into my room. I pick up my phone and send Ashton a quick text asking him what we're doing today. He replies saying he doesn't know.

Me: I say I give u a crazy shit 101 class today

pretty boy🥵❤️‍🔥💞: again I've done quite a bit of crazy shit already but I'll humor u

Me: thank u

Me: so I'm getting into a bathing suit and let's drive up to the beach

pretty boy🥵❤️‍🔥💞: sure I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes so u better be ready

Me: u don't need my address right

pretty boy🥵❤️‍🔥💞: nah I remember from the few times I've been there

I need to hurry. I grab a water bottle from downstairs and fill it up, adding ice.

I take it upstairs and put on an orange bikini. (shown at beginning of chapter) I grab a white collared button up and throw it over my swim suit leaving it open, as a cover up.

I grab my flip flops from my closet and some sunglasses.

I grab a cute tote bag and put a book, charger, my water bottle, a speaker, a towel and my sunglasses. I see a text from Ashton that tells me he's here.

Grabbing my phone and the bag I rush downstairs.

Record timing.

Honestly I'm proud because I am semi awake.

"Dad I'm going to the beach is that ok?" I see my dad in the kitchen. I probably should have asked him earlier. Oops.

"Yeah it's fine. Tell the group I say hi." He replies being his chill self.

"I'm going with a new friend actually." I state.

"Who? Do you know them well enough and fully trust them?" He's so cute.

"Yes. His name is Ashton. Aiden has been friends with him for a few years and I trust him. I'll text you and keep you updated, okay?"

"If he's outside now, I wanna meet him. Not because I don't trust your judgement, I'm simply bored and would LOVE to embarrass you in front of your new friend." That's my dad for you..

I didn't really have choice did I?

Me: come inside my dad wants to meet you

I hear a knock at the door thirty seconds later.

This will be fun.

I open the door to see Ashtons concerned face.

Oh yeah, definitely fun.

"So, Ashton am I right?" My dad questions. I gesture for pretty boy to come in and sit down at our table. "Are you Liv's age?"

Ashton nods.

"Are you new to the school?"

Ashton nods again.

"Did you meet Liv through Aiden?"

Ashton shakes his head.

"Can you speak?" My dad questions. I laugh.

"Yep. Mr. Hart I can speak perfectly well."

"Call me Marshall." My dad was too much.

"How long have you known Aiden?"

"I think I met him in sophomore year because he's a friend of a friend." He looks pretty confident with his answer.

"Aiden!" My dad calls Aiden down. He must be really bored to be this invested in the interrogation.

"Yes dad?" Aiden says while walking into the kitchen. He sees Ashton.

"Oh hey Ash what's up?"

"Nothing. We're leaving now to go to the beach." I state, grabbing pretty boys wrist dragging him to the car. "Bye dad see you later!" I call to my dad.

"That was interesting." Ashton comments, while getting into the drivers seat of his car.

"Welcome to the family." He laughs.

I realize that statement made it sound like we were getting married.

A/N: this was a filler chapter so I hope it wasn't boring (also it's pretty short heehee). I'm not actually that sorry since that's a triple update today. I am really on a roll.

The next chapter is gonna be absolutely amazing and hilarious so get ready for that bc that's coming tomorrow.

Marshall is also so funny even thought you don't really know him yet you gotta trust me bc he's literally perfect.

Kisses 💋

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