31-Meeting the In-Laws

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"When the fuck are you getting home?" I hear a very angry voice whisper-shout into my ear.

"Hi my names Livia, what do you need?" I reply with the sass of Regina George.

"Hi Livia, my names Leila and I'm in a fucked up situation because my best friend left me alone with my ex."

"Wait what? Back up a few hours."

"Last week, you invited for over to catch up on math homework today. I come today and he who shall not be named opens the door. I come in and sit on the couch and he sits next to be. We sit in awkward silence like the awkward exes we are and then I go to your room to wait for you. I repeat, when the fuck are you getting home." She explains it all.

"Oh shit. I completely forgot about our plans." I feel awful.

"Where are you?" She asks, Lay sounds genuinely miserable.

"I'm at pretty boy's. We did English work and now his family is having dinner. You were persistent so I excused myself to answer this."

"You meeting the in-laws?" She teases.

"Oh fuck off. I can't leave now it's rude. I'm staying for the rest of dinner so you two are going to have to suck it up. Just cook something, it always helps you with stress and then you'll be occupied and not thinking about he who shall not be named."

"Fine. But you better be home within the hour." She says, I just roll my eyes and hang up on her.

I come back to the table.

"Sorry that was my friend she's currently hanging out with my brother." I tread lightly on my words.

"Ok, is everything ok?" Diana asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Yeah everything good."

"Who's hanging with Aiden?" Ashton mutters, asking me.

"Leila." He gives me a look. "She's at my house cause she thought I would be home. Now they're alone."

"Shits about to go down."
♡︎Leila's POV♡︎ (i usually don't do this but you need to understand this part of the story)

I go downstairs into the Hart's kitchen. I am practically family with them so it isn't weird for me to randomly start cooking.

Cooking has always calmed me. I like the idea of following a recipe and knowing what's going to come out of the oven.

I decide to make stuffed red peppers. I chop up all the vegetables and sauté them while I make the rice. Adding beans and some garlic. I preheat the oven to 425 and put the stuffed peppers in the oven.

I set a timer for 20 minutes and put in AirPods, playing Beren Olivia, one of my favorite artists. I go back into their living room and sit down on the couch. Aiden is upstairs probably in his room at this point. I close my eyes and appreciate the brilliant music that is playing.

I only open my eyes when I hear a loud shrilling noise that definitely isn't a part of the song. I pause the music and realize it's the smoke alarm.

I rush into the kitchen and check the oven. The timer was about to go off but the food is completely charred.

So my entire feeling of security was a lie. Ugh I feel like shit now. I take them out of the oven, my vision blurring. I cannot be fucking crying at a messed up recipe. I'm not that sensitive.

Nonetheless I am crying. Not a sob, just silent tears. Maybe it's the memories now that I'm thinking about Aiden upstairs. Maybe it's the fact that it feels like everything is changing. I don't know. I put on a facade that I don't care what people think but honestly I do care.

I can't help the fact that I'm a water sign. A Scorpio.

I come back to reality as I hear the loud piercing alarm.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't know how to work their fucking alarm system.

Don't panic bitch you've got this. You don't need no man.

Well that worked out well.

Aiden comes rushing down the stairs. My back is facing him but I can hear his footsteps as he takes a towel and airs out the smoke. Unscrewing the smoke detector, he turns off the alarm.

I grab the pan and simply dump all the contents into the trash can.

"What happened?" He asks me.

I refuse to turn around. He will not see me cry.

"Hey!" He raises his voice. He steps in front of me so I'm forced to have to turn away from him.

His face immediately softens after seeing my tears. I quickly wipe them away with my sweater but they don't stop coming. Why the fuck am I like this? I'm never this emotional.

I cover my face instead. Aiden pulls my hands away from my face and wipes my tears away with his thumb. He pulls me into a hug.

"It's ok." He softly says, stroking my hair.

I melt into him and simply cry.

"What happened?" He asks me, sounding like a teddy bear if that's possible.

"Its nothing. You should go back upstairs." I brush off everything and force myself to stop crying.

"It's clearly not nothing. Tell me what happened." He leads me to the couch and I don't even know what to say. He's being perfect. I remember why I dated him in the first place 

"I'm just sad. Cooking feels like something secure knowing that if I follow the recipe then things will turn out well. And the memories of us. And it's Scorpio season." I chuckle at how dumb this sounds.

"You have every reason to be sad even if there isn't a reason." How the fuck does he read my mind?

I just roll my eyes at this. I should hate him, so I'll pretend that I do.

He just looks me in the eyes. Straight in the eyes. It feels like he's staring into my soul. I wish he would stop. But I can't look away.

The air is tense between us.

I don't how what is about to happen happens, but it does.
☺︎︎Livia's POV☺︎︎
It had been almost two hours since Leila called me and I was finally coming home.

I had a great time at Ashton's. I got to know Amelie very well because we ditched him and just talked.

I open the front door and see our living room couch.

"Holy Fuck!"
A/N: what a nice long chapter.

Anyone else ship Aiden and Leila as much as I do?

Anyways I still can't believe I wrote 31 chapters. This is a double update for you guys..your welcome.

Unedited ofc cause I'm a lazy mf

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kisses 💋

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