49-The Hangover

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I wake up with a pounding headache. I find myself unable to hold my eyes, they feel glued shut. I let out a groan as I feel a draft of cold air. I snuggle my body under the covers, curling my body into a ball.

Wait a damn minute.

These aren't my bedsheets, they have a different scent. They smell a lot like-

I sit up fast, opening my eyes to see none other than Ashton Rivera's room. I feel the blood rush to my head and immediately bring my hands over my eyes, maybe i'm just seeing things. I rub my eyes and then bring them away from my eyes, nope, definitely not hallucinating. I groan and then watch as his eyes immediately shoot open. Ashton was sitting as his desk chair, now awake.

"Hey." His voice is soft and deep. His morning voice has no right being as hot as it is.

"Um what the actual fuck happened?" I groan, my head still killing me.

"You were super drunk and doing idiotic shit but for some reason only wanted to go to my house, so I took you here." He gets up from his desk chair and grabs the bottle of Advil and a glass of water that's on his night stand, handing it to me. I down two and look down at myself realizing I'm wearing just my bra and underwear. I bring the covers over my head, hiding from the little shit.

"Look, Liv, what I did was a mistake, a mistake that was provoked by the dickhead that is my father-" Ashton starts, but I cut him off as I peak my head above the blanket.

"Listen, I'm not usually a very open minded person and this situation isn't any different. However, it might be just slightly different if you tell me when I'm not extremely hungover." I roll my body out of his bed, and place my feet on the floor with a dramatic thump.

He follows me as I walk out of his room.

"Do you want breakfast? We have this really good bread?" He asks me, concern seeping into his voice. I nod, knowing my body will do bad things if I don't get food into it.

After ten minutes, the delicious garlic bread is toasted, buttered, and ready for me to devour it. We eat it in complete silence, which I greatly appreciate. After I'm done eating he just quietly gets up and washed the dishes.

"Let me get you clothes to change into." He says, leading me back to his room and giving me a gigantic shirt to wear.

"Thank you." I say, stiffly.

"Can I explain?" He asks gently.

"Look, Ashton, I don't know if there's an excuse that can make me forgive you. You left me in the hardest time of my life, that's not someone I can be in a relationship with. I know that there is probably the best reason in the entire world for you to leave me but, honestly, I don't know if that's enough. I'm trying to deal with this in the most level-headed-" He interrupts.

"I'm in love you."

"Well shit."
A/N: IM SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED!! life is so chaotic and honestly I probably won't be updating that often but I definitely have not forgotten about this book it's just I don't necessarily have the energy to write it all the time. But I'm really feeling it rn so I'll give it a go to try and update more regularly but don't be concerned if that doesn't really happen.

ALSO thank you so much for over 1k reads!! I really love reading anyones comment so I'd really appreciate if you could not be a silent reader (even though I still appreciate you)


kisses 💋

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