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"Mommy, higher!" Kiara yelled as she looked forward, her arms held in the position Superman does when he is flying. 

"I can't go any higher, love!" River chuckled. "My arms and legs can't get any longer." 

They were in Mateo and River's bed, playing Superman, River tearfully wondering how much longer she will be able to do this with her kids before they outgrow her. 

The scariest thing about being a mother was how fast the time goes. If she could, she would selfishly keep them as babies and would not let them grow any older. They were just so precious, and she was so saddened by the fact that they were going to grow into stubborn teenagers and then idiotic adults - these were just assumptions but she knew she was going to be right; they took after Mateo just too much. 


The mother and daughter almost tumbled off of the bed when Alessia barged in, banging the door to the wall. She was red and sweaty and wide eyed, and looked just about ready to kill someone. 

"Is Zia okay?" Kiara whispered to her mother, her eyes fixated on her aunt. 

River let out a chuckle. "Yeah, she is. Why don't you go and see what your Papa and Lukey are up to in the backyard with Uncle Adam and Sebby?" 

"Okay!" Kiara chirped and jumped off the bed, waving at her aunt as she left the room. 

Alessia turned around and made sure that Kiara was long gone and out of ear shot before putting all her anger into banging the door shut, so hard that it made the windows rattle. 

"Sia, calm down." River gulped down the 'It's bad for the baby' part because she knew that the condition Alessia was in, she would have her head. 

"Why isn't Jackie here yet?" Alessia glared. "And don't tell me there was an emergency!" 

"There was an emergency." River rolled her eyes. 

"Then what are you doing here?" 

"It's a C-section, Sia. I have no business there." 

"Oh, please don't talk about kids." Alessia covered her ears with her hands, making the surgeon roll her eyes again. 

"Easy for you to say." River raised a brow when she heard that.

"You do realize that I did go through a similar situation about six years ago, right?" 

Alessia pouted. Yeah, she had a point. But she was Dr. River Johnson. The woman had her whole life sorted out or something. Alessia could bet that River never panicked over situations. Even when something was going on with the kids, River didn't freak out until the whole thing was in control. That's how much control the woman had. Alessia was not like that, and as much as she wished she could be half as in control of her feelings, she couldn't.

There was a knock on the door.

"WHO IS IT?" Alessia growled. 

"Jacqueline Meyers?" Jacqueline's voice had relief washing over through River's system but it just made Alessia more dreadful. 

"Don't come in!" She yelled. 

"Shut up Sia." River rolled her eyes. "Come on in, Meyers." 

Jacqueline opened the door and looked between the two women cautiously before coming in, her hands in her handbag as she tried to fish out the test.

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